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History of LINUX Audio Formats

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Sat, 06 Dec 2008 23:00:01 . . . . (soundcheck)?

Changes by last author:

File Format Conversions and Resampling

12/28/2008 Rev 1: soundcheck - input are taken from The Linux Audio To Go thread pretty Contributors: Paolo aka UnixMan?
06/22/2009 Rev 2: soundcheck: sox 14.3.0 introduced. Improved parameters for resampling introduced.

Ths part of the Wiki is supposed to explain how to convert from this to that format and or resample in Linux.

As usual there are 100dreds of methods to do that, let start with some nice commandline tools to get this Wiki going.
I'll explain later on who to build a a very simple batch-converter script, which you'll love for converting


The most important and powerful tool for data manipulation is probably SOX, which is also available on MAC and MS.
You can also use SOX for realtime playback using its small "play" tool and even recording.

It is highly recommended to run SOX 14.3.0, though it needs to be installed from sources.

SOX - Samplerate Conversion

Have a look at . (175db! noise rejection! compared to 145 with libsamplerate)
You'll see that SOX is the leading edge converter if run with -v -s -I -a
Some more information over here

v=very high quality 175db noise rejection
s=steep filter bandwith 99%
I=intermediate phase response
a=allow aliasing/above the pass-band

(from 44.1 to 96k)

sox <inputfile> <outputfile> rate -v -s -I -a 96000

This will generate an <inputfile>.flac and delete the original

flac --best --verify --delete-input-file <inputfile>.wav


This will generate an <inputfile>.wav and delete the original

flac -d --delete-input-file <inputfile>.flac


mac <inputfile>.ape <outputfile>.wav -d

----Using-shntool-------- - Swiss Army knife for converting files

shnconv -o flac file.ape file.flac
