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What is an amplifier?

An amplifier takes a signal and increases its voltage, its current, or both. "Preamplifiers" are placed between the signal source and power amplifier, and may increase signal ampiltude, provide equalisation (such as RIAA eq.), and generally provide volume and source control. "Power Amplifiers" are distinct from "Preamplifiers" and drive the loudspeakers. "Integrated Amplifiers" provide both functions in one box. "Receivers" combine an "Integrated Amplifier" with a radio tuner. There are various classes of amplifiers.

Solid State Amplification

Click here for more on solid state amplification

Class D Amplification

[Spice Simulations]
Tripath FAQ

Pass Labs

Click here for more on Pass Labs

Tube Amplification

Click here for more on tube amplification


(Include links to articles related to topic)

Related DIYAudio Wiki Pages

DIY Guides/amplifier projects


Books of interest to those building tube amplifiers

If you can only buy one book it is the next one. If you have an older edition it is worth considering an upgrade -- the material from those expanded enough to warrant a bi-frication into 2 books:
"Valve Amplifiers" Morgan Jones, Newnes, currenttly in the 3rd Edition (2003) ISBN: 0-7506-5694-8
"Building Valve Amplifiers" Morgan Jones, Newnes, this is a whole new book with an expansion on meterial that was in the 1st & 2nd edition of the above (2004) ISBN: 0-7506-5695-6
"Tube Preamp Cookbook" by Allen Wright. As much about attitude as about tube circuits, this one is available directly from Vacuum State. [1]
"Radiotron Designer's Handbook 4th Edition", RDH4), the classic text of the subject. Lonf out of print a pdf can be downloaded here [2]

Very useful books are written by Randy Slone:
["The Audiophile's Project Sourcebook: 80 High-Performance Audio Electronics Projects"]
["High-Power Audio Amplifier Construction Manual"]

Another source of a lot information comes from Douglas Self:
["Audio Power Amplifier Handbook"]
["Self on Audio"]

All the books are available on the Amazon. Links are to a book price search engine called [AddAll].


* DIY Websites
[Free Schematic Diagrams for DIY Enthusiast.]
[Pass DIY Site]
[A lot of DIY projects - Pass Labs Aleph 5, etc.]
[Free Audio Tube Data Sheet for DIYers]
[Chip amp projects - 300W 6x LM3886, Gainclone, etc.]

* Theory / Design information
[AWG Chart] - compares AWG wire sizes to metric (IT)

* Manufacturers
[Plitron] - transformers (CAN)

* Suppliers
[Parts Express] - supplies, components (US)
[Michael Percy Audio] - tube kits parts info (US)
[ Parts Connexion - High end components (CAN)

* Free Simulation and testing software

Projects and Kits

[Curcio] - kits for Dynaco tube amps
[Aksa] - kits for solid state amps

Click here for amplifier projects:
Amplifier Projects