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Bass Horns

Bass Horns

[Paul Spencer]

How do horns work?

Horns are acoustic transformers. Because of this transformation, the horn driver is fundamentally different to most radiating-type drivers. It is only recently that horns can be modeled similar to sealed and ported alignments. These programs convert drivers and boxes into electro mechanical parts eg inductors resistors and capacitors. For horns this isn't so easy. Fortunately [David Mcbean] has produced [Hornresp] which is available free.


Bass horns can achieve very high output and very low distortion simultaneously. For a given driver, horn loading will achieve the highest output possible of all designs. Distortion is kept low both by means of reducing driver excursion for a given output, and by the nature of the design which causes the driver to operate in a more linear fashion. Many consider bass horns to be the ultimate in fidelity and accuracy. Perhaps the only other class of speaker which has a performance advantage for bass are dipoles which reduce room interaction. The cost of dipoles which can match the output of a bass horn is considerable!

Driver selection

For horn loading, you want a driver with a low Qts and a higher (relatively) Fs. In the past high EPB woofers were considered suitable for horns. For a narrow band bass horn, many drivers can be made to work.

[Lab 12 subwoofer driver]

Lab 12 driver

Mike.e learns about basshorns - the continuing saga

[mike.e asks about basshorns]
[smooth flare vs stepped straight section]
[horn folding]
[lab horn]
[horn front chambers]
[search the audio asylum forum]
[DOWNLOAD a text file with notes by Danley on the Lab horn] <<< very useful info

More labsub info
[Mcbean's hornresp program at work]

Recommended forums:
[forums www.decware forums]

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[Rapids bass horn]

next [How to design a bass horn in 2 minutes!]