10th Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2013

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Chris asked:

If I got it right, they were tall 3 ways, in unfinished cabs, with the crossover protruding out the back, guarded by a piece of pegboard Masonite. They came in Bob's car.

These are a set of unfinished prototypes that Al has been working on for me. Mike came with me to the event and I appreciated him help carry things back and forth. Thanks Mike.

They may be further along by the Cultus event on the 29th and I plan to bring them in any case.

I delivered the V2's to Al today. Sure is nice to talk with him again even if I only understand 20% or so of what he speaks. It was a great couple of hours, and his wife (name withheld for obvious reasons, but let's call her 'N') was very patient with me as they seemed to have other things on the menu while I was more interested in speaker talk, and Al was very accommodating.
Thanks 'N', I have no one else to do this with in person. You were very good about it.
Anyone seen these two recently? Apparently they are MIA. Not sure what happened last Friday but I found my shirt out on the road the next morning, not to mention all the empty bottles.


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I delivered the V2's to Al today. Sure is nice to talk with him again even if I only understand 20% or so of what he speaks. It was a great couple of hours, and his wife (name withheld for obvious reasons, but let's call her 'N') was very patient with me as they seemed to have other things on the menu while I was more interested in speaker talk, and Al was very accommodating.
Thanks 'N', I have no one else to do this with in person. You were very good about it.

Cal you have got it right one lucky guy she puts up with my addiction ;)
And "N" laughed when I showed her your post and said thanks :D

Was great to see you Cal as well. Maybe another day we take some on wall measurements of those new crafts of yours..
For those of you interested in meeting up again before the next Island meet, SFU Acoustics Engineering Club is organizing a festival in late January (24th) in Burnaby. http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/club...al-processing-festival-burnaby-bc-canada.html

I may be out of place, but are you connected in any way to the Planet10 event? If not, I believe that good manners would dictate that you start your own thread instead of co-opting someone else's well established event.
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