Fraser Valley Vintage Audio Fair

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Save Shipping by attending Fraser Valley Vintage Audio Fair

Since we have a limited number of APR10s left and some Q10 Baltic birch cabinets we are going to clear some of this out on a first come basis.

We have 1 assembled unfinished 18" cube and 2 flat packs for the same enclosure. These have all the holes cut and include bracing. Order a Quartet10 kit and you can have the cabinet free when you come to the event.

If you are interested please contact us by email.

We also have a 14" cube flat pack cut for an SDX10 and a BASH300. This also is free if you come to the event and order the driver/amp combo.
Looking forward to Sunday.
I have been busy finishing the following for the Sunday show.
All of the below is brand new speaker kits for CSS which will make the Sunday event.
V series uses a NEW CSS tweeter which is brand new .
V1 mid tweeter
V2 mid tweeter mid
V3 tweeter mid woofer 3 way
HT2vi MTM with a NEW ribbon tweeter
HT3vi 3way with a NEW ribbon tweeter
Thank you all.

This audiofest was beyond what we ever expected for response.

Special thanks to Mak Fenlon for an informative seminar and being a wealth of knowlege.

Thanks to Al, Bob and Jim for sticking it out to the end and adding their experience as well as the fabulous donations.

And most of all to all those who came and made it the success it was. We couldn't have done it without each one of you.

Looking forward to next year!
Thanx to Geek and the rest of the organizers. What a great first time event. My wife and I had a good time checking out the audio gear and abundance of vinyl at the show, and met some other audio-philes..
Kudos to all and we are looking forward to the next event.
Yes, it was a great day with so many people there at times you had to go out to change/clear your mind (or get a burger or sausage). Special thanks to Karl and Gregg for all there setup and organization, to Mark Fenlon for his talk and to Al for the many hours of preparation, testing, etc. for the new speaker kits some of which will be available shortly.

Also special thanks to Mark Audio, Parts Express, Solen, Meniscus, Madisound and Classic Valve for their contributions to the raffle. If you won we'd appreciate feedback on how you use your prize.

Looking forward to next time, likely in a larger venue.

Appreciated meeting some customers face to face for the first time and trust that what we presented will be of interest and lead to sales.
I too had a great time and was impressed with the turn out and enthusiasm of the crowd. It takes a lot to put on a show like that so hats off to Karl and all the others who invested their time to pull this off.

When I drove around the corner, I see a bunch of people standing outside and smoke billowing out from the back of the building. Hmmm...someone must have cranked it up to 11 and I was even there yet. Wait, that isn't magic smoke, that's a BBQ. I think I'm gonna like this place!

Lot's of diyAudio persons there. It's nice to put faces and real names to those you only know from these pages.

In the raffle, I happened to win a set of Solen donated, Airborne RT20021 AMT tweeters which I hope to use soon.

From Gregg the Geek at Classic Valve, I won a hot rod kit for a Dynaudio ST-70 amplifier, including the driver and power supply boards.

From CSS I purchased a pair of Markaudio CHR 70's to replace the CSS EL70's in the bedroom speakers. I was told they have a hotter top end which I think will suit my ears better.

Will let you know how it goes.
Thanks for the great event.
Was shocked so many people made the winding trip to Cultas Lake but was well worth the nice drive.

Not sure of a head count but was well over 100 people for sure that made the event a hit.

Sorry never got around to see everyone I was in our area all day till the end of the day.

Having Mark Fenlon from MARK AUDIO stop by and make a speech plus some info into new driver development coming from his was a hit.Thanks Mark for the time you took to spead out of your travel plans.The day worked out just by chance as Mark was stopped in Vancouver on his way back to China then Austrailia.

Was a very busy day and as usual with the event like this swapping out speakers talking and listening then swapping out for another set was a chore for sure.BUT I LOVE IT

I took just a few pictures below sorry never got to take any more if others can post some more pictures that would be good..

Just a few hrs till the show
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At the show
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Bob introducing Mark Fenlon From MARK AUDIO
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Mark and Bob
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
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Robert, it could be a community hall in Nova Scotia. :)


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