Bandor 50 SW8 modules measurement

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For those interested in a smoother Jordan JXR6HD modules. Here is a measurement of four Bandor 50 modules, single copper wound, eight ohms, low inductance. MLS stimulus, less than 1W, 6mm electret mic, relative dB values, cardboard as a baffle, 45 deg to the carpet.


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Hello Graaf,

Depression has two causes:

1) Very delicate suspension that result in "rim resonance".
2) Energy reflected through the cone from the carpet.

This means that one have to be careful with stored energy in the cabinet. Doreen called me one hour ago and she can straighten FR response but she feels it isn't necessary. You can get a better midrange from aluminium coil.

There are of course very high Q resonances above 10K but they are -25dB down. For evaluation I need better measurement.

I wish in this thread we compare 1000 times lighter membrane. My recent ribbon (appended picture) speaker is quite good however we have larger Q diffraction and worst transformer. In this week I'll get amorphous C core from AMS Irleand. A lot of parameters needs to be adjusted then. Ribbon also need a screen damping like in microphones.

I also made Jordan JXR6HD measurement in the same setup but response was bad so at the moment won't show anything :)
(I think better baffle is needed).



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jzagaja said:

This means that one have to be careful with stored energy in the cabinet.
perhaps a suitable cabinet can be a pipe like in "Yoshii 9" or in "Pluto"?

jzagaja said:
Another interesting approach is to use Bandors as very low noise and high quality directional microphones with a careful design like PJ Baxandall's differentiatior. Doreen seems to have many users of this kind.
geez! this sounds REALLY esoteric, fullranger as a microphone :)

How's the sound?

Hi Jack,

Since you actually have both the Bandor and the Jordan, how do you rate the sonic difference between the 2. particularly the mids and highs?

Since the Jordan are out of production for so long, i am beginning to wonder if they will ever come back online again...:cannotbe:

So far I have tried the one from Mark Audio, they are really nice, but I guess I am curious about the rest....

There is small problem with comparison. Jordans have 2mm steel box with damping (baffle width half of Bandors). WIth Bandors mounted in cardboard box I simply hear something is wrong (rumbling) with Jordans around 1kHz. CSD doesn't show any problem. What is clear - highs are comparable and I prefer Bandors because they have a bass and I can listen them without bass support and any effort with pleasure. Jordans for the other hand are louder and without bass so listening is a bit fatiguing.

And what is really important with Bandors you can chose:

- surface finnish
- impedance
- copper or aluiminium coil (has influence on midrange)
- single or double wound (box type)

It is now easy to order them via PayPal but you have to wait a bit especially for 150mm unit because of metal parts supplier delays.
Bandor 50SW8 (single wound, copper coil, 8 ohms) is just smoother, darker more relaxing... and much cheaper. Vocals have mentioned airiness too. It reminds Manger transducer in tonality and imaging.

I have ordered Bandor 150 module. Fifties now gone to a friends.
Above module goes up to 10k. It's time to make ribbon modules for them.

The most funny thing with Bandors is that reviewers say that bass is deep but uncontroled and in the same time double bass (acoustic bass) sounds so natural.

i am curently enjoying my Little Bandors, do you know if there is much difference with how the voice coil is wound and the material? as you said you have the 'single wound, copper coil' what are the options and what difference might they make?

I hear that the new neodymium magents are on order, sound interesting if the magent/frame is smaller to allow more air flow behind the driver.

also, how do people cope with the lobing when they have multiple units, like 2,4 or 8/16 etc? Or would a Bipole with two 8Ohm drivers be a better bet?


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