200 x 2" drivers What to do?

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I have a nice set of line arrays with 20 3.5 al/mg drivers that sound fabulous. The unit sounds best with no rear panel or open baffle.
An idea I had which you may try is to form a deflection plate in back of the speaker column somewhat like a large V. This would focus the rear cone travel energy back into the room and disperse it. Some other ideas posted on DIY audio suggest you place a spacer plate above and below each driver to make a separate enclosure for each speaker. The amount of work involved made this impractical at the time I built mine.
I hope you have a lot of hole saws because MDF, if you plan to use it, will burn the teeth off of the best saws made. The glue is very abrasive.
One other small suggestion. Do as much soldering and connecting to each unit while outside the enclosure. It gets very tedious with that many drivers trying to solder and run wire.
With as many drives as you have using a multiple row scheme you could tilt the outer edge at say 5 or 10 degrees to pick up more sound dispersion.

You are going to have fun with this project. The end result will surprise you. The array idea makes for a super mid to high range speaker. Piano, voice and string instruments come alive.

Good luck Tad


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