Miscellaneous designs - Markaudio, Fostex, TB, Dayton, SEAS etc

As per the title really.

I work up far more designs than I usually publish on the forum or ever normally see the light of day elsewhere. Some were done at request, some are simply quick design exercises or checks / investigations, some I can't actually remember the reason for doing. I don't always have time to systematically catalogue things, and they can end up lying around on one of my HDDs for months until I sort through them. I'm currently in the process of going through one of my old external USB HDDs before it's recycled & found quite a few. Most weren't worth bothering with, but there were some more practical / interesting ones so rather than scrapping them, I thought I'd start a thread that can essentially be a bit of a dumping ground for misc. designs that I've done that either haven't found a home elsewhere, or that have previously been posted but got buried on other threads, so at least they're concentrated together.

Advance warning:

-There is little consistency in the layout / sketches. I'm lousy at CAD, and there's no way I can inflict more than a small portion on the long-suffering Dave to draw. In these cases, it's probably not worth a high quality drawing anyway. I've quickly re-saved most into png format to save space & done a little tidying if needed. The rough date is sometimes mentioned, sometimes not, depending if I remembered to add it at the time. Sometimes damping is shown in the sketch (all done in Windows Paint so they are very basic), sometimes it isn't, but I always refer to it in any accompanying notes. Same for bracing or vents / ducts; I often don't show the dimensions but they're in the notes. There may be some errors; I don't think there is anything major though. Normally I work in Imperial & assume a baseline 3/4in build / sheet material thickness. Some are metric, in which case the assumption is 18mm. Change as desired, providing the internal dimensions are not altered.

-Most of these are physically quite simple; vented box variations, some MLTLs or ML-Voigts etc.

-I'll add periodically as / when I find things. All are free for personal use.
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Moderate sized (OK, large by some lights) vented box standmount for the 8in Seas FA22RCZ. It's a nice driver of its type, deserves a wider audience.

I've dug out a large ML Voigt (The Bennite Solution) I did for it that's buried in another thread too. I quite like this. ;)


  • FA22RCZ vented box standmount.PNG
    FA22RCZ vented box standmount.PNG
    27.3 KB · Views: 7,604
  • The Bennite Solution Seas FA22RCZ.PNG
    The Bennite Solution Seas FA22RCZ.PNG
    291.1 KB · Views: 5,662
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A bunch of boxes for the MA Pluvia 11. Some have been posted before, but not all; I'm deliberately concentrating them here as they're all over the shop at the moment.

Two here. Well, technically four.

-A set of 3 vented box options (The King of the Swingers -thank you Disney) I worked up when the driver was quite new; design exercise in different sizes & tunings, accounting for typical output impedance of many SET amps, in the 2.5ohm - 4ohm category.



-A tall ML Voigt (The Thin End of the Wedge -thank you, Yes, Minister / Yes, Prime Minister).


More Pluvia 11 boxes. Might as well have them together.

-A tall MLTL. Closer to being a 'true' MLTL than some, as it doesn't use as much forcing. That isn't to say it's 'better' or 'worse' than shorter types. Just a bit different. YMMV.



-A compact standmount 'monitor'. No, I'm not claiming it's a studio monitor, just using the term loosely. Live with it. ;)



These are not in any kind of date order BTW. Sorry.
And more Pluvia 11 boxes. Will it ever end? Yes. But not yet. :D

-Twin driver standmount. A bit different. And why not? Run them wide open if you like, or low-pass the lower if you wish. Which I would, but that's just me. Depending on how you wire them (i.e. series or parallel) you can do a simple low-pass on the lower with either a series inductor (parallel wiring) or a shunt cap (series wiring).



-A quadrupole MLTL. A little (well, 5ft) nod to Burhoe's EPI flagship M1000 from the early 1970s. A driver on each vertical face, series-parallel wiring, no filtering. Yes, I am aware of what that means. It's meant to be like this, given the inspiration. The M1000 had & still has a following, so some people like it. Hi-Fi? Depends on your perspective. But interesting, if you have the space & don't necessarily want or value pinpoint imaging.


Continuing briefly on the (partial) indirect radiation theme, a bipole for the Tang Band W5-1611SAF. Minor twist: the cabinet is either a tall standmount or a short floorstander depending on your perspective & uses the double chamber reflex load. If you want to change the vent size, the pdf Dave put together with the appropriate formulas is also attached.


  • W5-1611SAF bipole DCR.PNG
    W5-1611SAF bipole DCR.PNG
    42.3 KB · Views: 1,066
  • ChangingPortSize.pdf
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:worship:This is a great idea and thread, Scott.

Thank you so much for sharing.

It's great to see so many different design into one thread, one doesn't need to open multiple threads!

This should be a got-to thread for anyone looking for ideas regarding their next full range build.

:worship: :cheers:
A5 in Frugel-Horn Lite, P7 seems to go into any EL70 encosure (lots of those)


I'm going to look at both options again. Very impressed with both of these drivers..

I might use the A5 for a WAW build. I did a quick and dirty setup using it in 3L crossed at 175HZ to a 6.5" woofer, and currently using the P7 in a very rough 7.5L BR test cab, would like to try it in one of the 12L(?) EL70 enclosures I saw last time I looked.
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If you feel like doodling again, try something for the Fane 12" and 15" tricone drivers. I recall you liked the Tannoy Dual Concentrics, and I am playing the 15" ones in off-set driver pipe horns. Sounding refined, big, dynamic and beastly at the same time. Would love to see your take on a suitable enclosure for it.