Full Range Speaker Photo Gallery

As a generalization a slot vent will trade initial rool-off and ultimte depth for a bit more elegant bass and less going in and out of tune with the dynamic changes in T?S parameters.

We used it on our big MTMs using Scott’s A12pw ML-TL and the ML-TL for the W14 in Tysen V2.

Yes my F120A in dave's Fonkensteen, unspeakably elegant bass, really I have no words to describe the tone, maybe effervescent/esprit/journeying. In comparison my TLonkens are extremely compact, deeper and more powerful.
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On top Monitor Audio gold-anodized AlMg 3/4in car tweeter 4ohm 2.7uF.

Together with Lowther PM2A Ticonal in Fidelio, and Orgue P-610 Signature based on the Diatone classic -- early roll-off like the Fostex so I pair them with Correct P-610 created by the same engineer Mr Gong Xiaoming, stack dubbed alcor66.
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Yes my F120A in dave's Fonkensteen, unspeakably elegant bass, really I have no words to describe the tone, maybe effervescent/esprit/journeying. In comparison my TLonkens are extremely compact, deeper and more powerful.
There's a Chinese idiom: "As the Pegasus crossed the sky" -- a sense of ease and freedom and strength.... (I'm listening to them.)

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Lobing Interference ~ Listening & Analysis...

Does anyone know from listening tests what influence of lobing has in practice?
dave: Stand up, sit down. Move side to side, forward & backward will not likely be an issue until you get close.

I looked more carefully at lobing interference from the dual Onken (Fostex FE108EΣ) center channel in the NestMT. Lobing interference "always" happens in home audio but how significant is it? Driving two full range or mid-high drivers, separated at all, with the same signal will cause destructive lobing, and so will reflections from walls, etc.. The NestMT has 3 primary seats L, C, R at about 8' from the CC, and I measured and listened in all three, as well as other locations, with different distances between the dual Onken drivers of 20", 11" and 9". There's plenty more background and detail in my blog HERE but basically I found 3-6 dB of destructive lobing at ~4.5Hz and ~8KHz... to me it is barely audible, especially when driving all 9 full range drivers in the music theater. The top sweep in each graph is "on-axis" (always excellent) and the lower two are left & right seats by ~4ft abreast.


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After LXing micor55 I decided to try it on alcor66. Alnico P-610 Signature in Orgue "artistic" BR/OB hybrid cab (after original Diatone) maybe A-/A+/N.A. (hi/mid/lo); Correct P-610 in same, A-/B+/B+; stacked vertically maybe A/A+/B+ from at least 5 meters away; LX alnico on top slightly tilted back, near-field first impressions A+/A+/B+. (My demerit scoring system for realism, perfect A+/A+/A+ zero score.) Artistic cab must be off -- port opening has too little "inner lip". Acoustic centers being aligned and very close together, they become merged and holographic with wide directivity wothout noticeable combing in the very near-field (as I moved my head/upper body around to test). Key to this pairing is the drivers' complementarity -- Mr Gong "cloned" the alnico following Japanese preference, then started his own company Correct with a ferrite version (the up-firing driver with decent bass and not-rolled-off highs, but lacking in mids).


micor55 LX https://www.diyaudio.com/community/threads/full-range-speaker-photo-gallery.65061/post-7675238
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Nice half-wave midTL.

Is that anouther name for a folded wedge?
I've had a chance to mess around with them, I thought that they were over stuffed, so I took all the stuffing out, but it was boxy, so I put a little back in now the bass drivers have had a chance to loosen up, I think they could do with a little more stuffing.
Using a graphic equaliser, I found a bit of a hump around the crossover point, so I tried a larger value inductor (now I'm glad that I didn't permanently mount the original chokes) and not only has it cured the hump, but they sound far more musical. I'm really happy with them, they sound very transparent and natural, and they really do sonically disappear, even without any steps taken to deal with the edge diffraction.
Vertical setup is usually used and should harm less horizontal dispersion.
Vertical is more typical and it does have less destructive lobing, but not by a lot. And, in my application, it would block the screen a smidge. I like like the horizontal layout for that reason and because it disperses better up toward my ears, 2/3m above the drivers 3m away.

yes you are right if you want to be close to the tv set putting the fullranges horizontally is an option. Never thought about that because I would use usually one one of them. But for having more headroom listening loud two of them makes sense.

Here on my TV set I have put the stereo fullranges (no center, its 2.1 system) above the TV with an angle facing down to listening position.

tv set mini oneways.jpg
mini oneways mit alu.jpg

Link with more description of the setup:


This is "Z", my latest speaker project, there as a thread about bass mid drivers that could be run ragged, without a crossover so I though of what I would use, and a woven glass fibre seemed a good bet, so I looked on line and found "blow" drivers that were cheap, hence this project. I did consider posting in the multi way section, but as the driver is effectively full range with a fill in tweeter I've posted it here. The front, bottom and rear are 18mm MDF, the sides and top are 3.4mm ply, with felt, then carpet tile glued on the inside to both dampen mechanical vibration and to stop sound from passing through. The Z comes from the internal baffle designed to stop reflections from the rear of the cone, and the space behind them is packed with cotton wool, and there's vents to give some aperiodic damping effect, the stands are hollow to increase the volume and I might put a restrictive vent between the speaker and stands. The tweeter come in at about 8,000 hz, it needs to be padded down a lot. I was a bit disappointed with the sound, but as the drivers loosen up they keep getting better.
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