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Joachim Gerhard Filter Buffer for ES9022

Why not just put the JGF circuit directly on your own PCB, since you already have the space reserved for it ?
The circuit is pubic property, and I am sure you can do a better layout then us.
Your customers will certainly welcome getting more value for their money.

BTW would you kindly explain why you do not have your XO close to the DAC ?
You have a super clock planned that needs more space ?

Best regards,
Thank you Patrick. I agree, integration on the DAC board itself could result in more optimisation but I am thinking for this stage the plug-in version would allow us to evaluate quickly, besides most of us have already purchased the modules. So maybe next time.
Again kind permission from Joachim needed for further work :)

As for XO there is none on-board. You will need to supply an external clock from suitable clock modules or from transport MCLK. I have lined up my own Turbo Clock for enhanced synchronous operation. For those considering usb audio this DAC has matching connections for WaveIO (XMOS) or AKU24 (Hiface) to make it easier.

I'm considering how best to pack the smd components. These things are pretty small and I don't know if it's possible to mark each piece of cut strip with the components value. What's the normal way to do this?


Some ideas
First : marking is Ok if you've got 2 or more pieces of same part using a very fine pen. (colored)
Second : take pics of each part and post value/ref, not quite easy if you haven't got macro mode camera ;)
Third : labeled piece of tape attached to the smd
Hope this helps

Fran, not much need to mark them is there?

The resistors are marked by the manufacturer and there is only one value of SMD cap. Typically the hardest smd component to distinguish is caps that are the same size/type but of different values. We don't have any of those in these kits.

I helped qusp with some of the sorting/packing for the GB for components for LPUHP. We started out trying to label them by printing a sheet with BOM on it and attaching the component strip to the sheet adjacent its description on the BOM. This was prohibitively slow and awkward to put together and we abandoned that method after 2 kits.

I personally would be happy with the components just placed in a ziplock bag or similar. There is enough work in cutting the strips into lengths of correct qty for each kit.

No need for you to spend time and resources labelling IMO. The thought is nice (and very much appreciated) but for a BOM of this size not particularly necessary.

Thanks Chris,

its just when I looked at the components last night they looked awfully small and similar.... and started to think that marking them would make life easier for many.... including me!!

I'll look again at them. We'll all need magnifying lenses for this job!!


I bought myself one of these a while back now - AN1020 - NATURALIGHT - MAGNIFYING LAMP, 22W, 5" | element14 Australia - I find I use it more as just a light than using the magnification. Good light and tweezers are certainly important for working with surface mount components.