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Amanero Isolator/Reclocker GB

Thanks Greg. I will keep you posted. It was 2872 that spawned my interest to acquire the 4700 based regs and the BG HiQ. I realize that these are not readily available, but there are other combinations that likely have similar effect. Soon my S03 will look a lot like your julia sound card!
PS Play

Greg I promised I would post final results.

The big pay back is on the clock supply.

If you have the luxury of additional funds, or more important, a bunch of BG NX HiQ caps then keep going.

The problem with BG is they start our compromised. After 10 hrs, they are ok. after 100, great... and they keep getting better for about 300 hrs. Problem is I am not an engineer. I don't have the patience to install one and wait a week to see if it was worth it. So if you have limited resources, focus on the clocks. In my case, I found a bunch of caps and the results are worth the effort to put them on all consumers.

I put another BG modified Ian Canada TPA4700 reg on J4. Marginally worth it. If money is no issue, just do it. Then over 2 or 3 sessions added a BG NX .1 uF HiQ cap to the pin of each consumer on the S03. After some burn in I can report that the sound of the system just gets more natural, relaxed and 3D. Also added some HiQ luv to the Ian I2S to PCM board. To me, if you can swing it, just do it.

My overall result is I am no longer interested in tweaking the DAC. I am now more interested in improving the library of music. I am starting to think of the new project which is speakers. That means there is very little on my mind to be concerned about my source.

Very happy with the S03.

I am about to build another DAC and this time I want to include a re-clocker I already have a BIIISE so that is locked in, I will have an Amanero input & 2 or 4 coax inputs. That is the best configuration using your reclocker bits to reclock all lines in.

DQ828, this will be great! FYI-the Amanero will get sync-reclocked for best performance but the spdif lines (coax) goes straight to the BIIISE and Async processing by the 9018 DAC
The re-clocker board only works with i2s signal, and needs a source with cksel output to tell which clocks the samplerate is. So you would need a spdif reciever with i2s converter to make it work. I have requested this to acko before, but i think he have prioritised other things instead.


Here are a couple of clips of my BG cap attack. As always, I claim no engineering insight. Just noticed that a fair number of the early moders raved about BG NX HiQ as close to the power pins in the digital processors around a DAC.

I left the existing SMT caps. There is a TPA4700 reg on each of J4 and the clock PS. They have 0.1uF HiQ caps add as well as a nude BG N 33uF. Another 33u nude N on C9 for good measure. Each clock as a .1uf HiQ on its power pin. The white goop is mac tac for vibration dampening of the clock. (highly recommended).

The Potatoe chips have several power pins. I chose pin 10. There is a nice little via just off the pin on the 3.3v trace that makes for an easy (relatively) solder and its pretty close to the pin. On U9 isolator I tacked one right on the pins 13 & 14. Nice short lines as I think the isolators like quiet power.

By the time I got to U5 I was getting really lazy. I just popped one on the filter cap C11 as a bypass just in case.

Same with the Ian I2S PCM board that comes after the S03. Just added a .1uf as a bypass on the PS filter cap bank and a BG N on the 5v input.

Then for good measure I put 33uf HiQ caps on the +-5v lines to my TDA1541a and a 33u BG N to the -15v rail.
Must say after a week the thing is really singing. I am listening to a Less Loss demo recording of drums at 192k sampling. WOW. Not sure 1541a was ever meant to sound this good. ;)
I hope people get a good chuckle looking at my so3 with vintage radial caps all over it. Must say however sound is sweet.


  • BG NX HiQ on S03 a.jpg
    BG NX HiQ on S03 a.jpg
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  • BG NX HiQ on S03 closeup.jpg
    BG NX HiQ on S03 closeup.jpg
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Hi, I am just a starter in diyaudio. Wondering does a DAC with asynchronous ability benefits from S03 for usb output from beaglebone black. Just started to do some research last night, wanted to incorporate BBB into my system. As from my understanding, the board only does the reclocking for i2s output. So, does BBB take in the clock by disabling the clock onboard?

I am sorry if that question is plain stupid, asking here is way faster than searching for an answer. Thanks a lot.
Not a bad question. With Miero's Botic BBB image (check link below) ,the BBB will be able to use external clocks, like with the S03 board, I'm pretty sure this will only benefit the I2S output. I don't think this image supports the use of external clocks via the GPIO header, in combination with a USB connected DAC, at least I've not seen anybody do this.
