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xrk971 Pocket Class A Headamp GB

Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB2 List update

Turbon - 1 board and 2 sets matched FETs - Payment Received
Tryptamin - 2 boards - need email for Invoice
Schlomoff - 1 built and tested board and 4 SMT populated boards with matched FETs - Payment Received
pranavkr - 1 board - Payment Received
Potatowedge - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Payment Received
pcgab - 2 boards - Payment Received
bogde - 4 boards - Payment Received for All Invoices
adn6244 - 2 boards - Payment Received
tcpoint - 2 boards - Payment Received
funch - 2 boards and 2 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
Wanfai - 1 board and 1 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
883bkong - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Invoice Sent
Kylej1015 - 2 boards - Payment Received
Jammer55 - 4 boards - Payment Received
Tupam - 2 boards

Folks, from here on out I am going to have to add $1 charge to non US orders to cover extra charge PayPal has been assessing me for international transactions. So $18 for 1 board and $23 for 2 boards.
Last edited:
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB2 PCBs have arrived!

Sorry, I forgot to update 883bkong - Payment Received.

Turbon - 1 board and 2 sets matched FETs - Payment Received
Tryptamin - 2 boards - need email for Invoice
Schlomoff - 1 built and tested board and 4 SMT populated boards with matched FETs - Payment Received
pranavkr - 1 board - Payment Received
Potatowedge - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Payment Received
pcgab - 2 boards - Payment Received
bogde - 4 boards - Payment Received for All Invoices
adn6244 - 2 boards - Payment Received
tcpoint - 2 boards - Payment Received
funch - 2 boards and 2 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
Wanfai - 1 board and 1 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
883bkong - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Payment Received
Kylej1015 - 2 boards - Payment Received
Jammer55 - 4 boards - Payment Received
Tupam - 2 boards
Last edited:
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
I don't know about you guys but I find myself listening to this amp pretty much as often as I can. It goes with me everywhere (along with a spare set of rechargeable batteries). On the bus, at work, at home. :)

Looking forward to building a few more amps here from this build. I just counted the list and it looks like I will have to find about a dozen matched sets of FETs. I better get busy with the matching. May have to order more raw FETs to fill out all orders so please be patient if you ordered matched FETs.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Getting some Reflow Action

This reflow business makes nice looking solder joints that's for sure. Five of these belong to member Schlomoff. All six have matched FETs and should make great sounding amps.



  • Pocket-Class-A-Reflow-Parallel-6.jpg
    157.7 KB · Views: 381
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB2 List update
Turbon - 1 board and 2 sets matched FETs - Payment Received
Tryptamin - 2 boards - need email for Invoice
Schlomoff - 1 built and tested board and 4 SMT populated boards with matched FETs - Payment Received
pranavkr - 1 board - Payment Received
Potatowedge - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Payment Received
pcgab - 2 boards - Payment Received
bogde - 4 boards - Payment Received for All Invoices
adn6244 - 2 boards - Payment Received
tcpoint - 2 boards - Payment Received
funch - 2 boards and 2 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
Wanfai - 1 board and 1 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
883bkong - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Payment Received
Kylej1015 - 2 boards - Payment Received
Jammer55 - 4 boards - Payment Received
Tupam - 2 boards - Invoice Sent
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
I found out a way to test boards fitted just with SMT parts only. I installed a 4pin JST power connector and press-fit an Alps pot with power switch. This lets me check the proper operational bias setting and verifies that all SMT solder connections are good prior to shipping or proceeding with the rest of the build.

One thing I am noticing is that this particular batch of BF862's tends to require R4 value of around 47R to 51R to achieve 50mA bias. So I had to exchange a few R4's to ensure proper bias. At 33R bias was too low (37mA in one case). The sound will be very low distortion but lacks dynamics. Just something to keep in mind when building your amps is to have several values on hand for R4: 33R, 47R, 51R, 68R should do it.
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB 2 List update:
Turbon - 1 board and 2 sets matched FETs - Payment Received
Tryptamin - 2 boards - need email for Invoice
Schlomoff - 1 built and tested board and 4 SMT populated boards with matched FETs - Payment Received
pranavkr - 1 board - Payment Received
Potatowedge - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Payment Received
pcgab - 2 boards - Payment Received
bogde - 4 boards - Payment Received for All Invoices
adn6244 - 2 boards - Payment Received
tcpoint - 2 boards - Payment Received
funch - 2 boards and 2 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
Wanfai - 1 board and 1 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
883bkong - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Payment Received
Kylej1015 - 2 boards - Payment Received
Jammer55 - 4 boards - Payment Received
Tupam - 2 boards - Payment Received
aud1out - 2 boards & 2 sets of matched FETs - Invoice Sent
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB2 List Update:

Turbon - 1 board and 2 sets matched FETs - Payment Received
Tryptamin - 2 boards - need email for Invoice
Schlomoff - 1 built and tested board and 4 SMT populated boards with matched FETs - Payment Received
pranavkr - 1 board - Payment Received
Potatowedge - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Payment Received
pcgab - 2 boards - Payment Received
bogde - 4 boards - Payment Received for All Invoices
adn6244 - 2 boards - Payment Received
tcpoint - 2 boards - Payment Received
funch - 2 boards and 2 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
Wanfai - 1 board and 1 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
883bkong - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Payment Received
Kylej1015 - 2 boards - Payment Received
Jammer55 - 4 boards - Payment Received
Tupam - 2 boards - Payment Received
aud1out - 2 boards - Invoice Sent
tommylck - 2 boards & 2 sets of matched FETs - need email for invoice
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB2 List Update

I am double checking invoices and have some corrections below. Please verify the list to make sure I have it correct.

Turbon - 1 board and 2 sets matched FETs - Payment Received
Tryptamin - 2 boards - need email for Invoice - I will remove your name after this update if do not hear from you
Schlomoff - 1 built and tested board and 4 SMT populated boards with matched FETs - Payment Received, ship to US address
pranavkr - 1 board - Payment Received
Potatowedge - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Payment Received
pcgab - 2 boards - Payment Received
bogde - 4 boards - Payment Received for All Invoices
adn6244 - 2 boards - Payment Received
tcpoint - 2 boards - Payment Received
funch - 2 boards and 2 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
Wanfai - 1 board and 1 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
883bkong - 2 boards (no FETs) - Payment Received
Kylej1015 - 2 boards - Payment Received
Jammer55 - 4 boards - Payment Received
Tupam - 2 boards - Payment Received
aud1out - 2 boards - Payment Received, ship to US address
tommylck - 2 boards & 2 sets of matched FETs - Payment Received
slaterlovesspam (Head-Fi.org) - 1 PCB and 1 special parts kit - Payment Received - ship to Ohio address
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Please confirm if you received your board from GB2

Some folks still have not received their boards yet from GB1 and I fear package may have gotten lost. Please confirm if you have received yours in the following list.

pcgab - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
zman01 - 1 board - RECEIVED
stellarelephant - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
samoloko - 1 pcb
Morde - 2 board - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
cyteen - 2 boards
funch - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
syyma - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
av-trouvaille - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
Mituisho - 2 boards
bogde - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
faltinsen - 2 boards
vanofmonks - 1 board - RECEIVED
M_Balou - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
dwpeterson - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
agdr - 1 board
walangalam - 2 boards SHIPMENT RECEIVED
gwrskien - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
redarc12- 2 boards
dw1narso - 2 boards
zimmer64 - 2 boards
shambala - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
HaroldHill - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
gig - 2 boards
hui13 - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
pranavkr -1 board - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
JimS- 1 board
Kumori - 1 board
tubediy - 1 board
AKSA - 1 board - RECEIVED
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
Update on GB1 List
pcgab - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
zman01 - 1 board - RECEIVED
stellarelephant - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
samoloko - 1 pcb
Morde - 2 board - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
cyteen - 2 boards
funch - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
syyma - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
av-trouvaille - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
Mituisho - 2 boards - RECEIVED
bogde - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
faltinsen - 2 boards
vanofmonks - 1 board - RECEIVED
M_Balou - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
dwpeterson - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
agdr - 1 board
walangalam - 2 boards SHIPMENT RECEIVED
gwrskien - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
redarc12- 2 boards
dw1narso - 2 boards
zimmer64 - 2 boards
shambala - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
HaroldHill - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
gig - 2 boards
hui13 - 2 boards - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
pranavkr -1 board - SHIPMENT RECEIVED
JimS- 1 board
Kumori - 1 board
tubediy - 1 board
AKSA - 1 board - RECEIVED
Founder of XSA-Labs
Joined 2012
Paid Member
GB Status Update:
Turbon - 1 board and 2 sets matched FETs - Payment Received
Schlomoff - 1 built and tested board and 4 SMT populated boards with matched FETs - SHIPPED (OR, USA Address)
pranavkr - 1 board - SHIPPED
Potatowedge - 2 boards and 1 set of matched FETs - Payment Received
pcgab - 2 boards - SHIPPED
bogde - 4 boards - SHIPPED
adn6244 - 2 boards - SHIPPED
tcpoint - 2 boards - SHIPPED
funch - 2 boards and 2 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
Wanfai - 1 board and 1 matched sets of FETs - Payment Received
883bkong - 2 boards - SHIPPED
Kylej1015 - 2 boards - SHIPPED
Jammer55 - 4 boards - SHIPPED
Tupam - 2 boards - SHIPPED
aud1out - 2 boards - SHIPPED (MI, USA Address)
tommylck - 2 boards & 2 sets of matched FETs - Payment Received
slaterlovesspam (Head-Fi.org) - 1 PCB and 1 special parts kit - Payment Received - ship to Ohio address

So all the folks with PCB's only (plus Schlomoff's order) was shipped out today. Also, DIYRookie's prize PCB for correctly identifying the top two amplifiers also went out.

One impotant correction I need to make is that the post office weighed the letters with 4 PCB's and that cost me double to ship.

So in the future, I will have to increase cost for 3/4 boards to +$7 (3 boards) or +$12 for (4 boards).