Why are OMNI speakers not more popular?

Female voice with small ensemble. I did not gather any construction details, but it appears to work with a circular deflector on the mids, as far as I could see through the slightly transparent fabric grill cover material. Since it is an omni, the cover is on all vertical sides.
The Legend looks interesting Legend Precision Sound Reproducers and appears to be an active 3 way design.

Did they present any construction details or show it with the "skin" off.?

What genre of music did they demo it with?

There's very little information, most of it is annoying BS. The spec's mention:

Signal processing
Analogue electronic active phase linear proprietary cross-over circuits
Tightly controlled electromagnetic transducers for three frequency bands
Acoustical secondary cross-over for re-assembly of frequency channels
Acoustical lens and wave guide for creating a small virtual point source

Drive units
2 x 20 cm long throw woofers with 7.5 cm coils and neodymium magnets
1 x 10 cm midrange with 5 cm voice coil and neodymium magnet system
1 x 20 cm bending wave driver with 7 cm coil and neodymium magnets

Acoustical processing Proprietary sound reflector and wave guide system, which re-assembles frequency channels and creates an omnidirectional virtual point source

Enclosure Separately sealed enclosures for each frequency channel, braced plate steel


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Unix, thanks.....and thanks for the link. And thank you Google for auto-translation...*G*

I may have some candidate plastic, but I've got a tush-load of the alum. And it's easier to form. Looking over the patent briefly, it seems to be more of a column load of the original cone structure vs. an extension of the radiating 'system'....

Seems simple enough...the devils always thrive in the margins, though.... We'll see...*G*
Sparrow, interesting approach to a 'mock MBL'! *S* Think I'll stick to my 'wanna be Walsh', but to each... ;)

I respond to the room reflection issue by having two pairs, front and rear, and ignoring the room to some degree. But that's my approach....if you can't make it behave, drowned it. *L*
Merry Pre-Xmas & HNY '18 -Jumping the Calendar (Safer than the shark...)>

Hi y'all...*G* 'Stopping by' to 'splain self, and to 'push the pages'...;)

Still 'out here'....been preoccupied with RL work and personal medical issues that needn't be gone into....(*L* Book and movie rights available cheap...)

Spouse claims I've too many speakers around (...but allowed me to score a pair of nearly mint Maggies'....go figure....*G*) so I'm working toward 'thinning my flock'...

...and (of course) replacing them with the next versions (Yes, plural..), thereby starting the whole cycle again...

...which, of course, is subject to my RL work (...one of which takes 'us' to TX in 3/'18 for +/- 1 month, another pending in KY that's....BIG....*G*)

(Attached is a RL job that's about to 'wrap' near Chapel Hill, NC. That's a fish play structure, awaiting it's metal pipe 'fins'...currently being powder coated...36' long, 45' with it's tail...206 CNC 'rib segments....)

So...Stand By for 2018. I've got....Plans....


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I've been following this thread on and off for a while now. Going back to the original question - "Why are OMNI speakers not more popular?", it's simple, but maybe a misconception (at least in my eyes!).
Point source audio reproduction has been the mainstream as it's deemed to be as true as the mic's making the recording. Okay, take away the fact that you'll never know how the mics were aligned; A/B Stereo Recording, X/Y Stereo Recording, ORTF Stereo Recording, etc etc!
And lets not get into everything in between; sound engineers, equipment etc.

I love Omni's, dam I've been building them for over a year now and finally yielding some amazing results. My view is this - I like a more dynamic sound which this design leads too. Last Friday my girls took part in the school recital, instruments playing included the piano, flutes and acoustic guitars. These instruments aren't producing sound from a point source. The sound resonate in 360deg's.
Okay, for the naysayers, I get that music is usually recorded with a mic, so the ambiance is lost, but at least an omni is one way of trying to recreate this.

Though my designs are now starting to morph into the realms radialstrahler, I'm please with the results.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
....back from the shadows, again....

Hi, y'all....and, Yes, it has been...a While....

..*ehhh*...about when Sparrow posted pics 'n plots of his latest 'n greatest....and Don, absolutely right. I've had the pleasure of following and being impressed by Davids' 'summer project'....

Summer Project - Replication of MBL loudspeaker 101mkII

....all I can surmise is that 'summer' by the time frame involved isn't the one we generally experience....;)...but I digress as usual...

Anyway... our 12 yr. old business was looking at our best 'start' of any year in terms of 'booked projects', keeping us occupied into May '18.
As of Now...we're into Sept....and still getting queries...
The only 'down side' I'll register to those who ask:
"Hows' it going with being retired?"

Hadn't noticed, actually....other than 'free time' seems to have vaporized. Not a lot of time to play at the things I'd prefer to be mucking about with.

Other than that...we (the 'company' us) can lay claim to having designed, built, and installed the worlds' fastest 6 ton wooden fish.

Prove me wrong if you can....;)

Too much more until later....lurk y'all until then....
Hi, y'all....*G* Contrary to rumour or wishes, still quite alive....

DonVK....37,800 Eu = 43,600 $US + overseas shipping + taxes + whatever the _resident Chump has caused to have added...and Good Luck with shipping 'small, delicate items' without FedEx Air Freight + the insurance....

I looked into having a Norsaw from Norway shipped to the States (+/- 2X the weight, somewhat larger) and I couldn't find any firm willing to quote it. If I wanted one, I'd have to include a vacation or a really looong 'overnight speed tour'....*ouch*

(Found a used on on Craig's List @ a Habitat in the Boston area for a tenth or less....turned out it had barely been used, stuck into storage for nearly 30 years. Since the basic design hadn't changed to any great degree....*Yay!*
...but it took nearly 1 1/2 yrs. of 3 search engines to find one.....)

Graff, definitely a Manger...the specs match, esp. the sizes....
The 'nasty skeptic' in me thinks you could`vertically stack 2~3 AMT's, 180 or 120 deg. rotation, still have the active Eq, and go 2 way vs. 3.....
I will grant Watkinson does have great chops with woofers, tho....his dual voice coils would keep up with an AMT's 'speed' and clarity....(MHO, natch...)

UnixMon'....;)...*L* 0 SAF, #1....2, the enclosure is no surprise..... 3, the vertical radiator is a variant of the Linaeum drivers (roughly a figure 8/double-lobe design)....why/how the woofer magnets aren't going to effect the radials' in some fashion is something to contemplate for the manic purists...

(Yeah, I know...'mag fields' are focused, But the 'edges' still don't go away... Even if you Xover like a stone at the 'point', 'Something Occurs'. Granted, the top & bottom ends may be taller than I've seen before, but...*shrug* And, again, plan on a vacation...)

Mmmm.....if you'd like to have a joust at a DIY version, some 6" or 8" dia. s40 PVC pipe could be a 'reasonable alternative', although the curved fittings are the 'big buck' parts beyond the drivers.

Drugging the spouse so she wouldn't notice them?

"Ah, what's those....?"
"The new HVAC...I just added the speakers, since the vents, equipment has to be like that....."


...and good luck with that....;)