The "Elsinore Project" Thread

Anyone in south east Australia ready to take the plunge and start building their own pair of Elsinores?
My friend Chris here in Melbourne has a full set of CNCed MDF panels ready to go. All holes and rebates CNCed.
And you could probably talk him into assembling the enclosures if needed

All the best
Three years after getting Joel's waveguide I've started building the Elsinore mk5 !

Concerning the crossover should I try the original one or directly make it the with Bolserts's mods ?

Below few pictures of my build in progress.
The boxes are made in 19mm MDF and will use bitumen + felt pads inside, the same way I've build the TG Nomex 164.

The Elsinore wil re-use the four 830875 and the 810921 from the previous build, the Elsinore are much bigger speakers !!

Thank you very much Joe for your work :)



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Dude I would keep the Nomex's and build the MK6...oh, I wouldn't.... I DID!!! ROFL!

I love the Nomex's they really sound amazing in my smaller bedroom. The SB Acoustics are not that much more, and they are round!!!! Easier to flush mount and they look better that way IMO.

In any case the Elsinore's never stop to amaze me. They are absolutely incredible.

I wouldn't change the xover, but I built the

I upgraded the tweeter xover...I used the high end Audyn True copper which are $70 US caps.

All I can say is mind blowing!!!!

OK...that being said....I totally get what you are's a much cheaper build since you have 80% of the drivers.

You won't be disappointed I'm fact I think you won't believe what you're hearing!!!!
fyi I still have my Elsinores:

those were with Nomex drivers and MkV Bolserst Xover. when toed in properly they sound very good, especially with voice-friendly amplifiers like AlephP preamp plus Aleph30 class A amp (see Pass forum). it is probably as good as it gets for boxed speakers.

I am currently changing my amps getting ready for new speakers though; so next year I should have a direct comparison in the same room. not quite a fair game as the new system will be a multi-amped monopole bass plus dipole top.
I would build the crossover as originally described, get used to how they sound and do the Bolserst mod later if you feel it necessary. I have the original crossover and have never felt the need to mod it. Just make sure you spend a little extra on C1 (I've used a Jantzen Superior Z cap). It really does make a difference. They do like a class A amp. I'm using a pair of Monarchy SM70 pro's in bridge mode. The difference between them and my original class a/b mosfet amp was quite staggering. It does speak highly of the Elsinore's that any changes made to the rest of the system are very noticeable.

Three years after getting Joel's waveguide I've started building the Elsinore mk5 !

Concerning the crossover should I try the original one or directly make it the with Bolserts's mods ?

Below few pictures of my build in progress.
The boxes are made in 19mm MDF and will use bitumen + felt pads inside, the same way I've build the TG Nomex 164.

The Elsinore wil re-use the four 830875 and the 810921 from the previous build, the Elsinore are much bigger speakers !!

Thank you very much Joe for your work :)

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
help me to decide, I thought that Elsinore VI will be my ultimate speaker but lately OB steal my interest. Currently I have Alpair10p as my temporary speaker, where I am thinking to make OB with 2 eminence beta 15" on bottom with Alpair 10p on top or continue with Elsinore MK6.

anyone have compared Elsinore vs OB?
Joined 2010
Paid Member
Three years after getting Joel's waveguide I've started building the Elsinore mk5 !

Concerning the crossover should I try the original one or directly make it the with Bolserts's mods ?

If you are going to make the Mk5, I would build the original crossover first and then add the mods one at a time to gauge their impact on the sound.

Personally, I only did the first of those mods; adding a resistor across the bass/mid drivers. I was so impressed with the results, I stopped and have not gone any further.

In my opinion, to really appreciate the effect of the mod, you really need to apply them one at a time and listen to the resulting change in sound. Otherwise, you may not know if you like the overall effect of each of the mods.

Been running mine with my variant on the Pass F5 for a couple of years now. Delightful sound. I continue to be impressed how good they can sound when all of the elements; source, amp, speaker, and positioning, come together.
Hi jdkjake and irext,

Thanks for your answer that confort me in my choice, my first idea was also to start with the original crossover and try the mods in a second time.

Concerning the amp, I use a diy amp based on ICEPower 50ASX2 SE module with the Nomex 164. I like very much the sound with those speakers, so I think it wil be a good match with the Elsinore.

May be I'll go for more power in the future with a 125 ASX2 module or try bi-amping the Elsinore with two 50ASX2.
As I own a NAJDA DSP, wich is mainly used for channel selection and volume control, I'm also thinking of active filtering the bass section ( .5 way )

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The Elsinore's don't need a lot of power to go very loud. I was at first running them with only one Monarchy SM70 in stereo mode which gave roughly 30W per channel and that was able to give ear shattering levels. I got greedy and bought another to run them in dual monoblock mode but it really is overkill. As far as active filtering I think you might be opening a can of worms. Joe has obviously spent a great deal of time optimizing the crossover as it is and I don't think you will improve on the status quo. Please post more pictures as your build progresses.


Hi jdkjake and irext,

Thanks for your answer that confort me in my choice, my first idea was also to start with the original crossover and try the mods in a second time.

Concerning the amp, I use a diy amp based on ICEPower 50ASX2 SE module with the Nomex 164. I like very much the sound with those speakers, so I think it wil be a good match with the Elsinore.

May be I'll go for more power in the future with a 125 ASX2 module or try bi-amping the Elsinore with two 50ASX2.
As I own a NAJDA DSP, wich is mainly used for channel selection and volume control, I'm also thinking of active filtering the bass section ( .5 way )

Please post more pictures as your build progresses.
Afternoon work : routing front panel holes see pictures.

I have to check the combo tweeter/waveguide hole and put some damping material before gluing the front panel to the sub front panel.

I will start assembling the second box the on friday :) All panels are cut excep the front panel.

There is more work on the boxes that I thaught before starting the build process !
Building the Elsinore speakers is a really BIG project :eek:


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help me to decide, I thought that Elsinore VI will be my ultimate speaker but lately OB steal my interest. Currently I have Alpair10p as my temporary speaker, where I am thinking to make OB with 2 eminence beta 15" on bottom with Alpair 10p on top or continue with Elsinore MK6.

anyone have compared Elsinore vs OB?

Hi gadut, WAF or integration with the room looking is better with the Elsinore speakers IMHO, they are only 28 cm x 115 cm ;)

What about building the MK5 with the Peerless drivers ?
They are a large project but I'll bet you've got a smile on your face after each days work.

Afternoon work : routing front panel holes see pictures.

I have to check the combo tweeter/waveguide hole and put some damping material before gluing the front panel to the sub front panel.

I will start assembling the second box the on friday :) All panels are cut excep the front panel.

There is more work on the boxes that I thaught before starting the build process !
Building the Elsinore speakers is a really BIG project :eek:
Hi all,

I have been lurking since about Mk3, but could never afford the build - still can't really, but anyway :). I still use my first crappy Sherwood bookshelfs I assentially got with my first paypacket many moons ago. I have now embarked on the good ship Elsinore.

I am waiting for all my Solen inductors etc. coming on the slow boat from Canada - I ended up getting the 18mH inductor from Solen as well, probably overkill no doubt. I'm also trying Jentzen 0.47uF SIlver Z-Cap MKP caps and Mundorf MCap ZN for the 1.9uF (from Estonia). Waveguides are ordered, as are Neutrik connectors (from Factory Sound).

Like a few of you, I'm lucky to have access to a commercial interior workshop. The plan is to finish in Piano finish black with back mounted crossovers as height is an issue with my better half and it seems to make the most sense. If I can get my VIs as half as good as some of your inspirational builds, I'll be very happy.

I am thinking about modifying the front 18mm panel to extend to the edges of the cabinets to minimise filling.

Cabinet build begins in a few weeks and I hope to share pics.

On to obsessing about building silver DIY cables and connetors etc. :)

Many thanks for all those over the years who have contributed valuable info for us noobs to follow (especially Joe of course).