Official M2 schematic

I have been watching this and unlike my attempt at building F5t, I will finish this one. I just ordered two of the transformers from Edco 600 ohm/15kohm pc mount (shipping was more than the transformers). I will be watching for a group buy on the boards, hopefully that will be soon. Thanks for all the effort of those that put this together.
I found this while reading a thread here and following a link on youtube for the impatient builders wanting to build the M2. I have seen videos and read articles on how to make your own boards but this is one of the easiest and simplest ways I have seen using common chemicals that are easy to purchase. If I were more ambitious I would give it a try with my own boards just to see if I could do it and if it would work.
Edcor transformers in Europe

Friends, Europeans, Countrymen!

I got in touch with on the Edcor transformers. Aaron will source them and is so kind to offer a 25% pre-order dicount for 40 pieces. With the discount the price is 15.21€ + VAT a pop. Please see for the T&C on shipping (worldwide...).

To get the discount you can use the Coupon-Code DIYAUDIOCOM
You find the web-pages in Aaron's email below.

No commission for me, just publishing the deal.
For those who read German I enclose Aaron's email
vielen Dank für deine Anfrage,
gerne kann ich für euch ein exklusives PC600/15K Angebot machen. Staffelpreis ist auch möglich wenn jemand von euch die Übertrager verteilen möchte:

Stückpreis, PC Serie 24,13€ inkl. MwSt.
Ab 40 Stück - 15.21€ netto
Ab 100 Stück 13,21€ netto.
Ab 200 Stück 12,67€ netto

Einen Direktvertrieb mit Foren-Kupon habe ich soeben für euch erstellt.
Ihr könnt den Edcor PC600/15 nun als Vorverkauf-Artikel mit eurem Kupon DIYAUDIOCOM im Shop unter der URL:
Finden und zum oben genannten Preis (angestrebte Mindest-Stückzahl 40 Stück) für 15.21€ vorbestellen.
Wichtig: Der Preis gilt und funktioniert nur in Verbindung mit eurem Kupon-Code DIYAUDIOCOM

Alle geduldigen Käufer können dann Vorbestellen und ich kann die Produktion durch Edcor einleiten sobald absehbar ist dass Interesse besteht.
Die Jenigen, die Vorbestellen können sich den Trafo zu dem 40er Stück-Preis sichern. Bei potentiell mehr Bedarf als 40 Stück reicht eine Liste und ich erstelle einen Kupon für die 100er bzw. 200er Staffel damit jeder selbst bestellen kann.

Bei Fragen einfach jederzeit Bescheid geben

Viele Grüße
The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
is matching of the 2SK170BL/2SJ74 a must? and also can BL be substituted by GR ? I had quite a few of 170 left over from my DCB1 built, what is the easiest or better way to match the 2Sj74 with my 170s?

Keep in mind that any reasonably low output impedance preamp (say <100
ohms) will drive this circuit without need for the input buffers.

Keep in mind that any reasonably low output impedance preamp (say <100
ohms) will drive this circuit without need for the input buffers.


I know you've already given us a few examples but is there any chance you might put together a dc coupled buffer preamp capable of driving any conceivable difficult load? (possibly Firstwatt product potential)

If you had the choice of high current (eg 15mA) cascoded push pull jfet buffer vs high current (eg 15mA total) parallel pair push pull jfet buffer, which would you choose? (I suppose there is also the option of doing both for 30mA total). Edit: For push-pull that would be double those figures of Class A operation.

Do you feel 15mA (30mA push-pull drive capability) in a buffer is enough to drive any conceivable difficult load, or would you go higher?
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Is anyone currently actually building that thang? Or are all twiddling their thumbs waiting for the PCB?
I am twiddling my thumbs waiting for the jfets, transformers, inspiration for a cunning case etc.

And I am still researching parts: what do you guys recommend as insulators for the MOSFETs and where do you source it?
I'm a sissy, not going to attempt this point to point, in idle mode until a board shows up.

That said, I have a single ended tube amd and a class D sitting on my bench waiting to be finished.

Need to decide if I will attempt the P2P gainclone that I have the parts for!

As well, need to get my Raspberry PI out of an old VCR case, and into an nice chassis.

So, not lacking for projects.

In a rare show of restraint, parts have not been ordered yet.