selenium coax speaker question

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hey all. i been reading about the selenium coax's (12" and 15") and they seem to be a nice speaker. im just wondering would anyone here have any pics of their systems using these speakers?? im thinking of using the 15" coax in a box with a 15" selenium woofer in a seperate enclosure for a bit more low end.

i just wanna know what people think of these speakers and if the are actually worth getting??

thanx in advance!!
I built a set of quite large bi-radial front horns that load down to 50Hz in front of a 12CO1P in each. These were for my home theater setup. Aside from an energy storage issue at about 350 Hz that is no fault of the driver I am fairly impressed with the result. Incredibly fast and dynamic bass. Very high efficiency. Well balanced full spectrum. I think this is A LOT of driver for the dough. I have built much better sounding speakers since however.

I do not have pics in this computer since the HD crash or I'd post. They're here on the site somewhere already though.


Joined 2003
>I have built much better sounding speakers since however.
Care to share and explain the sonic improvements?
Can't comment on P-Audio since the two folks I did cab designs for didn't bother to send me a critique and the only large co-axes I have extensive experience with is the Altec 604 series, so I guess I'm done unless you need cab design help later on.

GM said:
>I have built much better sounding speakers since however.
Care to share and explain the sonic improvements?



Be glad to!

The latest rendition of these "better sounding speakers" appear in my Avatar and are trademarked Ultor-X. These represent two years in development. They are absolutely the finest sounding speakers that I have learned how to build and I intend to share them one pair at a time in the hi-end marketplace as soon as I can get my production line up and running. They employ a number of concepts not usually married together and are not a copy of anything I have seen produced by anyone else including hobbyist or other speaker company. My company name is Ultor Audio. Website is registered but there is nothing up yet.

Sonic improvements of the Ultor-X compared to the horn loaded Selenium include:

- no horn-honk or audible cabinet coloration
-deeper bass response
- smoother mids and highs
- much higher highs (40 KHz vs ~18 KHz)
-superior soundstage
-no audible distortion
-less pronounced (as in no) azimuthal lobing issues

The high efficiency of the Ultor-X and the big Selenium loaded front horn are comparable. A small SET amp will drive Ultor-X splendidly which was a top design goal after exceptional reproduction. Ultor-X generates a superior soundstage and the speakers virtually disappear. The big horn may have transient attack slightly better than Ultor-X in parts of the passband like the lower end but overall the Ultor-X sounds way better. On jazz you are in the audience in the club, a good recording of a drumkit puts the drums in the room. Piano is a percussion instrument. Whereas the horns sound good, the Ultor-X's sound real. With Ultor-X the illusion is complete.

Like the big horns the Ultor-X share similar throw properties due to phased array and horn loading techniques. A large listening room is needed and a minimum throw distance of 12-14 feet is preferred.

I have not had, nor will I have the opportunity to try the large horns in my upstairs living room where 'room boom' was a huge problem with every other speaker system I have tried in that room. This is therefore not a comparison to the large horns but I can truthfully say that the Ultor-X's suppress room boom very well and focus the bass at the sweet spot. When cranking, other speakers used to rattle items in the rest of the house, especially the adjacent kitchen. With Ultor-X similarly elevated SPL levels at the listening position in the low registers do not modulate the rest of the house. This phenomenon seems to disobey physics but the effect is real, and enormously practical! The sound over a wide range of frequencies is faithfully directed to the area of interest, the listening position. Also nice is that the sweet spot is comfortably large in that it is not a 'head in a vice' type situation.

Auditions of Ultor-X are available by special appointment. Price and availabilty will be announced when appropriate. This is not an advertisement, you cannot order these Ultor-X speakers yet.

A fellow Ontario DIYaudio member who owns Tannoy concentrics (a coaxial that the Selenium can only wish it were) in factory cabinets recently had an audition of Ultor-X and I am expecting an unbiassed revue on these forums in the near future.

Well, you did ask! ;)

We didn't want to hijack Darth's thread here did we GM? I still stand by my statement to him that I think the Selenium coaxial is a lot of driver for the dough and worth experimenting with. I grabbed mine when they appeared on sale at PartsExpress as the occasionally do. I chose the 12"er for faster transient performance since I was intending to horn load, so diaphragm size was less urgent for high LF SPL's.


Joined 2003
>We didn't want to hijack Darth's thread here did we GM?
Not really, but I guess I lept to the assumption that it would be a similar type system that might interest him, not a radically different/expensive commercial venture. Anyway, good luck with it!
>I still stand by my statement to him that I think the Selenium coaxial is a lot of driver for the dough and worth experimenting with.
Good to know, thanks!

wow, thats alot of info :D i like the horns too!! i will eventually build horns for my system when i move out of home (still live with my parents) they dont mind the noise, it's my room that lacks space., even though i have two 35 hz basshorns being built for me at the moment by a mate. :O they are big, but until i move out, my mate is going to have one horn. instead of using a port for the 12CO1P, would i be able to use a PR?

I have two of the Selenium 15" coax on the way, something I forgot to mention in our PM discussion. Will post a pic of the raw drivers when they get here. Recently I asked for a pic of the front because the little horn is hidden behind the dustcap and I wanted to see what it looked like. You can probably thumb through the forum and find it.
I think it would be fun to try the 12's in a folded rear horn. which ought to be one way to load this driver lower the Fr which is about 48 Hz IIRC.

The 15" coaxial is kind of big to be placing on the small end of a long folded horn so perhaps one of the classic rear loading corner horn cabinets from the Golden Age might be a good idea. Remember the Jensen Imperial and units like that? I'm not specifically sure about the Imperial being the type of cabinet I am trying to refer to but some searching ought to find some good classic designs.
now thats an idea that i might take up :D those folded horns look bit complex, but i am willing to give them a try. my mates dad cut the wood for my basshorns so ill get him to cut the wood for these :D

the imperial design you talking about, is that on the decware forums?? that be too big for my room :p

i think ill make an 's' bin unless there is a better rear loaded design. im doing some study now on this :D
Joined 2001
Paid Member
rcavictim said:
Remember the Jensen Imperial


darth_sanchez said:
what box design are you going to make??

I am thinking of building two crude boxes and installing them in my attic at the end of the room, angled down into the room, hidden behind a grill that I will make to fill in the drop ceiling panels. I will then add a 15" sonotube woofer to complete the package.

The reason I am doing this is that there is no room in the room now that I have my new HT sound system is being installed. The two systems will run independently. One for TV, the other for tunes.

If it weren't such a sunny day, I could post a pic but it comes out too dark now.

This is why I have to put them in the ceiling. With the new TV and entertainment centre along the end wall there won't be any room, so they are going in the ceiling in the panels just on the inside of the left and right channels of the HT units you see mounted between the windows.
Those things under the left and right speakers and above the center unit are the crossovers. I will post pics once the system is complete and the room is cleaned up a little.

Can't wait for the coax's to arrive.



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