2nd Annual Vancouver Island diyFEST 2005

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Joined 2001
Paid Member
August 27 Vancouver Island Chapter DIY-fest

The core group already know about this, i'm just starting the thread to get a place to discuss details and maybe get a few outliers notified (i didn't do it earlier since i don't want it to get too too big -- small & intimate usually means better listening)

I still have a lot of work to get ready for this -- after all it is taking place at a working audio junkyard (err... recycling facility). If you don't already know the way maps will be provided.

We have at least 3 off-island guests coming (and i don't know whether Cal's passenger seat is taken but he could probably use a hand with the Voice of the Theatres).

For those coming from far-far away there is a certain amount of floorspace, and i know we can find a place to put up a tent.

It is looking good for having a number of FR125/WR125 boxes, Fostex (FE127, maybe FE108ES -- Don?), Bart's Aura NS-3s, plus a number of Frugal-phile(tm) creations. MiniA(s), gainclone(s), SE tube amps, PP tube amps, vinyl & CD.

We'll have BBQ. Bring your own mind altering substances -- nicotine addicts will be subjegated to the back 40 while ingesting theirs.

Joined 2001
Paid Member
doorman said:
(through Goldstream park, no?)

Yep. From your direction a left turn off hiway 1 into Goldstream Park (Finlayson Arm Road), 3.3 km up the mountain, turn left into the driveway with the big red watertank that is just opposite the "you are entering the Highlands... the fire danger is..." sign.

I can bring the B'horns, maybe the GG pre too?

Yes please.

wow cool.

I plan to bring my speakers.
a usb dac via brent/mine design's
my new product line of audio cables ( Silver )
some cd's and the big product

A dac with a tube output.. i hope this arrives to me soon.
another thing would be the new digital volume control that i have just recieved : O )

and maybe my blue fet amp's my design's.
jleaman said:
I'm bringing buisness card's for my new company for every one

Gee, that'll be nice. Is your picture on it? I need a new centre piece for my dartboard. :D

Sure hope it doesn't rain. Those 825 cabinets can't handle much more. Tarping them for watertight would be tough.

Dave was wondering if I had a passenger seat available. Only problem is that's where the woofers and tweeters are going.

Unless it's raining, and then a seat is available.

Cal Weldon said:

Gee, that'll be nice. Is your picture on it? I need a new centre piece for my dartboard. :D

Sure hope it doesn't rain. Those 825 cabinets can't handle much more. Tarping them for watertight would be tough.

Dave was wondering if I had a passenger seat available. Only problem is that's where the woofers and tweeters are going.

Unless it's raining, and then a seat is available.


My picture on my card's ... no.. but if yuor going to be at daves ill bring my dart's and ill put all my buisness cards darted to you : O ) you can be the donkey.. :D
Usb1543 Dac

I finished my prototype DAC tonight. Now it just needs to break-in a bit before Saturday's event.

Details with pics can be seen here:

I will post the pics here too because I think you need an account at diyhifi.org to see the pics.


  • usb1543 004.sm.jpg
    usb1543 004.sm.jpg
    80.5 KB · Views: 313
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