Revisiting some "old" ideas from 1970's - IPS, OPS

dissipation is current times voltage.
You get those from the schematic.
These will be quiescent dissipations and signal only adds a bit to these, except for output emitter resistors and Zobel and such that have very high signal currents..

It was just easier for me to spread the virtual sensors over the schematic in the sim and see the dissipation values instantly. 10 minutes work.
That was the idea ;)
The template I posted was designed for those heat sinks. I have a milling machine, but I actually prefer to tap those heat sinks with a tap in a cordless drill. Very good quality extrusions. As long as you keep everything cool and clean, tapping is very easy.
I can't print the template in correct dimensions:confused:
When an A4 paper was used i ended up with 2 pages.
When an A3 paper was used the dimensions are not correct .:confused:
I had tried print<< actual size>> ,<<choose size by pdf>> e.t.c
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Testing the dimensions

A step farther.
A step before final montage.;)


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Looking good Thimios! May I ask what transformer you are planning to use?

Thanks, Terry

I will be waiting to hear of your listening impressions.
Terry,my plan is for two mono amplifiers,i have two toroidals 2x35v/300va,if I had the money I would use 500va.
Carl,from a little listening time using VFA IPS ONLY up to is a wonderful amplifier!
I started populating the X4 this morning and two of the little BC846BPN chips joined the birds. Most of the SMD parts are fairly easy to deal with but these little buggers are a real challenge. I think I'm going to buy one of those little heat guns for this. I was resisting SMD but I can see that I had better get used to them. Through hole parts are disappearing rapidly. Us DIY folks don't amount to enough business to warrant the continued production of them.