Are you hung up?

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Are you worried that you may be too obsessed with how your system sounds and measures to the detriment of taking pleasure in the result of it's primary purpose? Anyone willing to admit to it and have any advice for people who think it might be harming their quality of life?
You seem to be implying that you expected sane people to be found here in the first place?

This I think was the primary mistake.

Advice? Remove hands from keyboard, sit up from chair, remove any portable technology from your person and place on table, walk to nearest exit and go outside.

And never come back ;-)

This summer I've spent far too much money and spare time building a pair of 8-Watt monoblocks. Yesterday I took a break and went for a drive with my wife. We stopped at a roadside flea market - and I had to be dragged away kicking and screaming from an old RCA console in a danish modern cabinet some guy was selling for $65 (with a 3 channel PP EL84 amp inside!). Now I know I'm sick!

Or pick up some scratchy old Hawaiian LPs from the thrift store, mix a rum drink and drift away. :D
Followed your advice, except I'm listening to a scratchy thrift-store find:


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Are you worried that you may be too obsessed with how your system sounds and measures to the detriment of taking pleasure in the result of it's primary purpose? Anyone willing to admit to it and have any advice for people who think it might be harming their quality of life?

It might possibly be a male thing, no different with cars, watches etc. it wears off with age :eek:
Joined 2014
Paid Member
Look at it like a project car. You may have something in the garage that you spend your weekends working on, but you still have a newish* car on the drive for actually taking to work.

The audio equivalent is that you have a sizeable music collection and a variety of ways of enjoying it. The fact that as a hobby you mess around with rediculously OTT systems runs in parallel and is not a problem for the music lover.

*By newish I mean less than 20 years old.
Are you worried that you may be too obsessed with how your system sounds and measures to the detriment of taking pleasure in the result of it's primary purpose? Anyone willing to admit to it and have any advice for people who think it might be harming their quality of life?

The primary purpose of a system can also validly be to sound best and measure well.

There is nothing wrong with that at all.

Paradoxically, a person can be obsessed with how their system sounds and measures precisely because they are completely happy with listening to music on any old source - radio, phone, cheap set-up - so they already get their musical pleasure in spades. Therefore the extra enjoyment they get from their enthusiast system is exactly the honing in of accuracy/measurement.

I would put myself in that camp too to some degree - I'm happy with the radio and portable source/iems so my main system can be all about other things whilst still able to play music perfectly well at any stage/state. Some of that is the enjoyment of trying out different stuff for the sake of it.

To be hung up about people being hung up on the sound/measurement of their system is kind of blinkered thinking, to only imagine that people must be wierd if they don't think like oneself... isn't it?
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