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You mean white rectangles, right? They are bypass film capacitors.

Why go for those regulators? Better pick 317 based regulators, which you will find a lot of in ebay.

If you are a diy person you should have a look at this thread, which improves 3X7 regulators and also 78XX types. You just need to add a small board, which will soon be available.

D-Noizator: a magic active noise canceller to retrofit & upgrade any 317-based V.Reg.

D-Noizator: a magic active noise canceller to retrofit & upgrade any 317-based V.Reg.
I have performed some LTSpice simulations, which I will gladly upload here, on how PSRR, noise and impedance are dramatically improved with the add-ons i suggested.

It's really impressive and does not need much from anyone, with some solder abilities, add to any existing regulator.

It can be used on several existing regulators, but not with every chip type. On that thread some others are shown, like the TL123, but better to stick to 3X7 types or 7XXX types.

As I said, simulations are available for any of them for anyone to check and have a look.
Current like to experiment using https://www.diyinhk.com/shop/audio-...high-quality-usb-tofrom-i2sdsd-spdif-pcb.html

As digital I/O... and missing a comprehensive manual about timing diagrams and dependent of the used I/O channels..

Given Pic-2 as from web side... as DIN missing or as 3.3V..

Real connections as DIN... ?? relates to I2S output timing or not??

Using the licensed V4.67 driver on windows...

So always timings on

. Input: ASIO 4 channel out even WASAPI only 2 channels
. Output: ASIO 6 channel out even WASAPI only 2 channels


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A long time ago I had bought an older version of this board.

I had written a post about it, detailing my findings: http://www.dimdim.gr/2016/01/diyinhk-xmos-multichannel-32ch-usb-tofrom-i2sdsd-spdif-interface/

Perhaps it is still relevant to a degree.

Well, the Mister at DIYNHK prefer NOT to answer or provide required support :mad:

I did some tests using a DSO to see what is going on. As also using the V4.67 driver.

1) the output timing is a 32 bit as x times stereo I/O... but as driver GUI shows only 24 bit as on web page. Other XMOS boards from him supports (16/24/32)

2) did a loop-back to one stereo channel and 384kHz (ASIO) was running using 16K latency buffer size as OK

3) the other DIN and other ADC/DAC I2C I have no glue

4) also I do not see how to load any custom FW, also currently as now XMOS programmer to get the required DEV SW

5) claiming 1024DSD or 768kHz ??? how this can be done??

So the question remains, how could this XMOS board be used as custom able platform. The USB ID will be an other question.

May one day the light within the tunnel gets any usable picture... but currently it is a PITTA. So currently I am not satisfied

You can load custom firmware using the XSYS header - XMOS' programmer mates exactly to this header: https://www.xmos.ai/xtag-debug-adapter/

To develop the actual firmware (or to be precise to adapt the available reference firmware - in this case the multichannel reference firmware) you will need XMOS' xTIMEcomposer and the relevant libraries. They are free.

I have in fact done this in the past, before I developed my own XMOS interface with the XUF208 chip.

XMOS has recently made available a new generation of its tools, called XTC Tools, but I have no experience with those.
I have bought the multichannelboard and XMOS based interface : https://www.diyinhk.com/shop/audio-...c.html#/dac-xmos_and_dac_pcb/fifo_option-null.

It all works as it should and it is not the first one I use. I have some good knowledge and

I too wanted to try to mod the XMOS firmware as stated on DIYINHK's product page :

(..)ES9038pro can playback multichannel DSD and 8 channel 384k PCM, but the current xmos firmware only playback 2 channel DSD and 8 channel 192kHz PCM. User can wait for the newer firmware from XMOS or user can modify the firmware themselve to support multichannel DSD and 8 channels 384k PCM immediately.(..)

And I don't expect any kind of support from DIYINHK...their products are really kind of cool but don't expect usermanuals or other support. MiniDSP is definitly on another level...

but after several weeks trying XMOS programming is really over my head....I have been able to use the reference firmware, could also modify what needed to be, XTC software and all the software environment. But now ???

I feel that I came somekind of close but have no clue what files I now need to compile so direct programming is just too much for me. It's interesting to learn but now I guess I'm at the limit.

Was wondering if anybody has a modded .bin firmware which he/she would share with me (PM). I would be very gratefull.
if somebody has a good place where to look explaining how the heck I can compile it myself this would also help.

Sorry if I'm hijacking the thread but it seemed the more suitable for such a request

Thank you very much
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I did have a look at that 8 channel board from DIYINHK too, but that XMOS firmware disclaimer part had me wary too, especially the lack for DSD supporting all 8 channels, hopefully some day DIYINHK will look in here and answer, or a community driven effort modding the firmware could be started.
I was hoping for this board being a good candidate for some kind of an active speaker project.
The unknown continuous, as no schematics provided and as SW ADC / DAC I2C customization gets soon or later a pitta or a nightmare ....

Look at the given picture, a FF to control what?? Even the clocks & FF power small Cap blocking's after ferrite is to thin.

All have to know that those multi-channels is only available by ASIO! Also the used USB ID with custom FW, how this gets/fits/supports with the V4.67 driver??


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I have been using the DIYINHK XMOS XU208 board for a couple of months. Using Windows 10 I was never able to get ASIO working. Recently WASAPI stopped working for all resolutions above 48k. The properties page shows that sound is playing with higher resolutions, but no sound comes out. I am using driver version 4.13. Hi res does work with Direct Sound.
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