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(This is kind of an FAQ, so I'm trying to document it here. For the moment it's a rough draft - please be patient!).

When we think about using a computer as an audio source, the first step of course is getting the music to play. Quite likely, to date most of our music is stored on audio CDs (CDDA). Thus we need a mean to extract the audio data from the CD and store it in a suitable file. This process is named "Digital Audio Extraction", or "DAE" for short.

Problem is, audio CDs does not have a file system on them, and audio extraction is neither NOT a trivial task. Neither it is a "secure" one. Extracting the very same CD more than once with different drives (sometimes even on the same one) and/or with different extraction software (methods) may lead to different extracted audio data!

Of course when we are all after the highest possible audio quality, as the very first think we want to be sure that the data is not altered/corrupted in any way during the extraction and what we get at the end is an exact replica of the data originally stored on the CD.

That's why tricky programs such as the well-known "Exact Audio Copy" (EAC) have been developed. EAC is a closed-source, proprietary program developed for the MS Windows OS.

Many people (particularly those coming from the Windows world) ask generically how to do "secure DAE" on Linux or specifically whether they can use EAC on Linux. These notes are being written to answer these questions.

DAE on Linux: native tools

Digital Audio Extraction (DAE) AKA "CD ripping" can be done with several native Linux tools, among which "cdparanoia", "cd-paranoia" (a libcdio port of cdparanoia), "cdda2wav", "icedax", etc, as well as numerous GUI and TUI interfaces (most of which are either using the aforementioned CLI tools or the "libparanoia" or "libcdio" libraries as back-ends to do the real work).

The applications using the libparanoia backend library (or of course cdparanoia itself) should be able to do DAE as accurately as EAC does (that is "bit-perfect", error-free extraction of CD audio data).

In the past there have been claims and reports that, under some circumstances, DAE performed using cdparanoia (or libparanoia-based apps) could be less accurate than DAE performed with EAC (1).

This was likely due to a long-standing limitation/bug of cdparanoia which made it unable "to correctly handle caches on a substantial fraction of modern drives, which resulted in skipping getting through verification" (

The latest version of cdparanoia and libparanoia (that is versions >= 10.2 final) have eventually solved this problem. Thus now to achieve "secure", perfect DAE on Linux there is no need to use EAC.

Neverteless, if you still like to have EAC running on Linux, you can. Here follows how.

Running Exact Audio Copy (EAC) on Linux

To date there are no native Linux versions of EAC (2). Nevertheless, the unmodified windows version of EAC can be run under Linux using "WINE".

Installing EAC on Linux using wine is as easy as downloading the windows installer from the EAC site and run it through wine.

With most modern Linux distributions, you should end up with either an EAC icon on the Desktop, an EAC entry somewhere in the menu or both.

But there may be a few caveats. To avoid possible troubles, follow these directions.

First of all, before starting the EAC installer, it is a good idea to configure wine using winecfg and/or wineconf (3)(4).

Configuring WINE: Part I

Open your terminal and type in:


Go to the "Drives" tab and press the "Autodetect..." button.
It should scan for drives, and find a handful of them. Find /media/cdrom drives, if you have more than one then apply this step to all of them.
Click on the drive letter ( in my case E: ) and press the "Show Advanced" button, and then select the "Type" of the drive to be "CD-ROM", apply
to every drive that is a CD drive, and press "OK".

Installing EAC

Download the installer for Exact Audio Copy.

Important: at this point make sure that there are no CD or DVD of any kind in any drive!

If you are using a GUI, double-click eac-x.y.exe on the downloaded file. If you are at the command line, run

wine eac-x.y.exe

Either way the installer should start. Let it do the install like you would do it in windows. Do NOT let it start EAC now.

Configuring WINE: Part II

Go to your terminal and type:


in the Applications tab, press the "Add Applcation" button and browse to EAC.exe, and click on it and select a NT operating system from the Windows select box (those being NT/2000/XP), and press "OK" (5).
As it launches cancel the wizard, and press F9, and under the "Interface" tab, select "Native Win32 Interface for NT/2000/XP". Press "OK", and restart the app.

Now put an audio CD in your drive, and hopefully all will go well.

You should be able to launch EAC from the icon on your desktop and/or from its entry in the "start" menu (if your distribution setup does that). Anyway, you can also start it from the command line by typing:

wine ~/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Exact\ Audio\ Copy/EAC.exe

in your favorite terminal.

Should you have troubles, please refer to [quandar's thread on Ubuntuforum] from which I took most of the above instruction.









(1) on the other end I have experienced a few CD/drive combinations with which EAC was failing to do any DAE at all (keep trying to re-read and fix errors forever), while cdparanoia completed the task successfully and without any apparent problem on the extracted data. Thus, even should you decide to use EAC routinely, don't forget to keep also cdparanoia at hand, just in case...

(2) Being EAC a proprietary, closed source application, the only one who may made a Linux port is its original author. Try to ask him: perhaps, if there are enough requests, he may consider doing that...

(3) winecfg is the original wine setup program. It is a wine (windows) binary which is run through wine itself. "wineconf" is a new native Linux app which may or may not be available in your distribution.

(4) If you want to make WINE look better without msstyles read this guide:

(5) I took this advice from [quandar's thread on Ubuntuforum] and included it here, though I'm not sure whether that is really needed. At least to me (EAC 0.99pb4 and wine 1.0 on Debian GNU/Linux) it seems to work well also selecting win 2k or XP.