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Antiskating (compensation)

Skating: lateral tracking force of a pivoted tonearm. The skating force is usually about 8 to 10% of TF.
Antiskating (compensation) is necessecary to ensure a proper horizontal bias of the cartridge'S generator system.
Antiskating influences sonics considerably: dynamics


vertical angle between cartridge stylus and record surface (front view).
Azimuth is to be adjusted for symmetric crosstalk or for maximum size and stability of soundstaging.

Effective tonearm length

Distance stylus tip <-> tonerm pivot.

Offset Angle

Angle by which the cartridge is turned CCW in reference to the straight through stylus tip and tonearm pivot (top view).
Offset angle and Overhang are used to minimize a tonearm's lateral tracking error.


difference between effective tonearm length and distance platter spindle <-> tonearm pivot.
Distance platter spindle <-> tonearm pivot always is less than effective tonearm length.


see antiskating.


vertical Tracking Force of the phono cartridge's stylus. TF is influencing the vertical bias of the cartridge'S generator system.
TF influences sonics considerably.


Vertical tracking angle:
angle between the phono cartridge's stylus cantilever and the record surface (side view)
VTA influences sonics considerably: focus, soundstaging, microdynamics, speech understandability, tonal plausibility.