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Welcome Page

Welcome to the wiki

Most diyAudio members will be completely unfamiliar with the concept of a Wiki, so a good and easy to understand explanation is in order. A Wiki is a website where you can edit every page. That's right, every page! See the link [Edit this document] on the bottom of this page? If you click it you can edit this page. But don't edit this one, edit the SandBox page. Before you say it won't work, read WhyWikiWorks.

Why have a Wiki? A Wiki lets you create web pages. Do you want to write a how-to guide on BuildingTheAlephX? amplifier? Or create a list of EnglishTranslations for people that don't speak english but want to understand our slang terms? A Wiki makes these things a piece of cake.

Starting Points

There isn't much content here yet, because it hasn't been written yet. Would you like to contribute? Just click the "Edit this document" link at the bottom of any Wiki page.

Some adventurous diyAudio members have already started testing the Wiki in WikiDiscussion. Perhaps a nice place to start, but then again it might be better to [talk about it in the Wiki discussion thread] which is better suited to it.