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lynx power amp group buy

Group buy status: All PCB's are delivered and the group buy is closed

Thanks to peranders here on diyAudio for helping setting up this WikiPage?!


[Jan Dupont] is the organizer of this group buy. The design will be intellectual property of me. The deal will only take place once and only if a total of 50 pcb's or more are reached, so sign up if you want to build his amp.

Home page for the project is [here]. Click on My Projects in the left menu and select LYNX Power Amp.

The Offer

What I will offer is a pcb in high industrial quality. Se more details in the original thread here at

Specifications for the pcb

Thickness1.6 mm
Thickness copper2x35um Gold-Plated
Component printWhite, photo resist method

I (Jan Dupont "ACD") will run the show. I'll also provide some support.
This is a DIY project amp, so please accept only limited support!

Details and Instructions

[The thread about this group buy]


Last date for ordering boards are Februrary 25th. Expected last shipment date form Denmark is March 26th.


I'll apprecieate if most people will use Paypal.
PLEASE NOTE as this is a completely non-profit group buy, a Paypal fee of 5% (or any other extra costs) will be added to the price.
If you can't use Paypal for some reason there are other alternatives, please take this in private emails to me.


You can rather safely choose "regular mail" to most places in the world. I have never experienced that anything has got lost but if you'll add 200 DKK you'll have some insurance.

The ordering and payment procedure

1 Deside how many boards you'll order. Write it down on the list.
2 [Email me] so I'll get your email address. Please also email me your contact info, address, phone number. Mention also if Paypal NOT is OK.
3 I'll send you a Paypal bill.
4 You'll pay me.
5 I'll make a note on the list that you have paid.
6 I'll send the goods, write it on the list also.
7 You make a note when you have got the pcb's.

Sign up here how many boards your are interested in. When everybody interested has signed up, I calculate the amount of boards that will be ordered. When the price is set, please follows my instructions for payment. When a person has got a Paypal bill from me, he moves the entry to the list blow.

Missing payment list

People on the list below has not paid or replied to emails about doing so.

Price per pcb at a total of 50

Pcb = 56.50 DKK (= �7,50/$11.00)+ shipment + Paypal fee (or extra costs in case of other type of payment)

If this group buy reached 100 pcb's, the price will dump to

Pcb = 41.50 DKK (= �5,50/$8.00)+ shipment + Paypal fee (or extra costs in case of other type of payment)
So please invite all your friends to join this group buy!

Shipping, see tables below.
Please note that diyAudio member Carl_Huff kindly has volunteered to make the distribution to buyers in USA.
Total shipping costs (up to 500 g.) is DKK 28.00 ($5.00) for US buyers. Thanks Carl
USA Shipment should be paid to me together with the PCB's.

[Exchange rates]


All PCB's are delivered

Fill out the first 6 columns when payment has been made

Fill out the last column when you have recieved the pcb's

userCountryPcb'sValue (Currency)Bill sent DDMMYYPaid DDMMYYPayment ackn. DDMMYYAckn. value (currency)Delivered DDMMYYRecieved DDMMYY
ACDDenmark10400 DKK260208260208260208400 DKK..
ACD friendDenmark6240 DKK280208280208280208240 DKK260308.
marcus7601Sweden6340 DKK260208260208270208340 DKK260308280308
LandoctorUSA6240 DKK260208280208290208240 DKK280308 to US.
Widerstr�mSweden4225 DKK260208260208270208225 DKK260308280308
pedroskovaUSA280 DKK26020826020827020880 DKK280308 to US140408
xaudioxPhilippines280 DKK27020827020827020880 DKK260308020408
spindCanada4300 DKK260208260208270208300 DKK260308020408
builderandySweden280 DKK26020827020827020880 DKK280308310308
bomellbergSweden4250 DKK260208270208270208250 DKK260308270308
MB500Sweden2115 DDK270208270208270208115 DKK260308280308
audioDIYerPortugal6340 DKK270208270208270208340 DKK260308310308
olevEstonia2130 DKK270208270208280208130 DKK260308280308
jerryo.Isle of man.2150 DKK2602008.270208270208150 DKK260308.
jimmy.esweden10471 DKK270208270208280208471 DKK260308280308
RagnwaldSweden220 Euro270208.04030820 Euro260308280308
MEGA-ampUSA4248 DKK270208270208280208248 DKK280308 to US140408
rikkitikkitaviNL6350 DKK270208270208280208350 DKK260308280308
gary sAustralia4275 DKK280208280208280208275 DKK260308020408
wjhUSA2120 DKK260208270208280208120 DKK280308 to US.
Frank ColakCanada4320 DKK270208270208280208320 DKK260308040408
WendellUSA5200 DKK270208270208280208228 DKK280308 to US.
farlDubai4250 DKK280208270208280208250 DKK260308310308
KranisSweden3200 DKK280208290208030308200 DKK260308280308
AMV8UK8500 DKK280208280208280208500 DKK26030829032008
housingHong Kong4268.80 DKK280208280208280208268.80 DKK260308310308
miken500USA2DKK..290208144.27 DKK280308 to US.
tinitusDanmark2120 DKK260208280208010308120 DKK260308270308
steenoeDanmark14700 DKK260208260208290208600 DKK260308270308
giannettinoItaly2172DKK280208280208290208181 DKK260308030308
imackinusa12540DKK280208290208290208540 DKK280308 to US140408
GuinessUSA6240DKK270208270208270208285 DKK280308 to US140408
Anthony 2181uk8500.85290208290208290208500.85 DKK260308.
finneybearUSA2120 DKK290208290208290208120 DKK280308 to US.
ipolyakovUSA2135 DKK290208010308010308135 DKK280308 to US140408
bassoonNew Zealand4280 DKK.020308.280 DKK260308010408
Ed LaFontaine?USA3170 DKK290208010308it has been170 DKK280308 to US.
cocolinoGermany220 EUR.03030805020820 EUR260308.
ex007Sweden2113.40 DKK.030308040308113.40 DKK260308280308
MadFinn?Sweden4250 DKK.040308.250 DKK260308280308
LesheronsUSA8366DKK040308050308060208366 DKK280308 to US.
Neb006USA6340 DKK..060308340 DKK280308 to US.


Shipping costs

Denmark, all prices in DKK

Pcb'sWeight gramsTariff gramRegular DKKRegistered DKK

Europe, all prices in DKK

Pcb'sWeight gramsTariff gramRegular DKKRegistered DKK

The world (except USA), all prices in DKK

Pcb'sWeight gramsTariff gramRegular DKKRegistered DKK