2.1. Bookshelf plus sub

Hi there...

I am going to build some bookshelf sized 2way or 3way speakers (and a sub)...

I have found out most of the build but "the most important" the size/design of the speakers is missing since I cant find my old software in my files...

I have just searched a bit online and I can only find expensive very advanced programs...
Right now I am hoping someone can recommend something very simple to use straight forward software... I do think I found for the sub but any recommendation is very welcome 👍
That’s one approach…..another would be DSP….makes prototyping much easier, faster and consistently repeatable. Now a a days , affordable and accessible as well.
yes but thats also more equipment and I dont say its a budget build as such but I like if I keep this build simple, few units 2.1 speaker ehm everything simple ... but I know its one way.. do I say TACT systems :)
Andy OK thanks I will check that software.. hope its not too complicated to use either :) all right thanks

I just checked that software.... can it tell me the SIZE of the speakers its very fine with the curves etc.. but I accually just need to find out what size they have to be..... I guess I have to download and install and check.. :)
Check out WinISD for calculating box size. It is free. Box volume is primarily determined by the woofer's parameters.
For the crossover design, the simplest software that I am aware of is XSim, also free. VituixCAD can do all that Xsim can but is more advanced in in its total capability. There are also spreadsheet-based tools that you can use.
If you are complaining about "too many curves", it may be hard to guide you with regards to designing your speaker. Granted, you don't need all the curves to build a good speaker (you can switch off the ones that are of the advanced kind), but you should at least have an interest in knowing the value of the curves.
"Curves" are the primary tool in objectively evaluating the performance of speakers.
I have looked at Vituixcad - its simply too many curves - why not something much more simple like those to create a sub :)

I need a 2 way bookshelf speaker box ... simple squared box I just need the size :) .. hmm

(Assuming this is a genuine enquiry.) If you want to design a good speaker then you will need to understand the curves. If you are not too bothered then you can stick your driver in any box and it will work after a fashion. Is your driver designed to be put in a box with a port or one without? If ported you will also need to determine port dimensions as well as box volume. Some manufacturers will have suggestions on their spec sheets along with the driver parameters but most assume the driver parameters will be entered into software like vituixcad in order to do a reasonable job of designing a cabinet. Another option might be to find a speaker that uses your driver and copy the volume.
thanks for all the answerd "nerds" its super good! these drivers are designet for closed design.. there is some curves in "speakerbox.lite" software that I've found and its super simple in that program .. I want them to be more or less cut anyway below 80hz and the curve starts to bend a lot at 60hz so its just perfect...