A simplified method to implement digital frequency division using FIR filter in Windows system

Foobar2000 released the VST 2.x/3.x Adapter plugin on 2022-11-17, the latest version is 0.12, the plugin allows VST effects to be used as a DSP in foobar2000, VST/VST3 can be used. In this way, the foobar2000 can directly call to load the FIR filter as a DSP digital crossover. It's extremely simple and plays smoothly.
One PC. One multi-channel DAC.
System software version: Windows7 SP1 or later. Install the sound card driver.
Foobar2000 version V1.6 or later, preferably V2.1.5.
VST 2.x/3.x Adapter Current version: 0.12。
convolver4-4vc++。 convolver4-4vc++ is an open-source, high-performance Windows application for applying a finite impulse response (FIR) filter.
rePhase。 Speaker phase linearization, equalizer, and FIR filter generation tools.

First, install convolver4-4vc++ on your system. Then, the administrator runs rePhase to generate the FIR filter file (low-pass .wav, bandpass .wav, high-pass .wav), and uses a text editor to generate the txt text file of config.
Install foobar2000V2.1.5 on the system, download and install the VST 2.x/3.x plug-in, add the VST 2.x/3.x plug-in in the DSP management of the preferences, configure the VST 2.x/3.x plug-in, add the folder where the installed convolver is located, select convolverVST (VST v2 32bit), and display the VST Effect in the pop-up format Click Filter/config in the configuration window, select the config file generated earlier, OK. Select the default speaker exclusive in the output and play it.
The attachment is a diagram of the configuration.


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