another 3way build with Dynaudio drivers

it's been a long time i have not DIY anything in my audio chain, this covid and WFH make me lazy.

anyway just started with 3way bass reflex with drivers used : Dynaudio 24W100, MW152 and Satori TW29RN

I wanted full Dyn drivers, already got MD100 but compared to Satori it's different class. so back to Satori, my candidate someday maybe MD130 but can't find it yet

mid + tw will be passive xo which i hope can get simple xo without too much parts used.
while woofer + mid will use minidsp 2x4HD

woofer will be in bass reflex around 40L volume, while mid will have 4L.

this will be my 1st build with measurement using UMIK-1, for sure I'll need all of your suggestions later once i finished the woodworking especially on how to analyze measurement results


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1 top box is almost finished, just waiting for finishing which I have not decided yet. another box should be worked anytime soon

meanwhile i use ftpgraphtracer to get frd and zma for MW152 and TW29RN and play with xsim. this can be as my starting point because most of the parts available in my drawer.

hpf for midrange will be done by minidsp 2x4hd, i will try with and without hpf to see this small driver capability.


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no matter how hard i try this passive xo, it seems that it's not my destiny. i could not get it sounded right, then get back to my minidsp 2x4HD and no need to think hard about RLC value anymore.

using Harsch XO 2.4kHz and FW J2 clone for MW152 and TW29RN, this is really a good combination. even though J2 maybe only 15W @4ohm but with volume pot around 12.00 it's already loud.

now i have to finish another box and and separate box for 24W100


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i try a new type of vinyl which is a wallpaper but it works flawlessly, match with black driver. not the best cut that i did on close up picture but it's not noticeable from sitting position


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I hope you don't mind me asking, but are those mini discs or cassettes on the shelf? They are too small to be anything else. Also why is the brick work done that way is that common in jakarta?

What brand the capacitor is that laying on the floor?
that is custom made capacitor in local market, some said it's a copy of Ampohm but cheaper price

i did work on this brick by my self, it's just for decoration. i think more interior design start utilizing this exposed brick where some of them are painted in white but still exposed the brick texture. i'm just using construction brick which is cheap, while other other type of brick that is produced specifically for aesthetic with only 2cm thickness, it has smooth clay and sometimes it cost 6x more expensive. but for me it's too smooth which look unnatural

you can see in wider shot, i created 2 U section which was intended for some kind of lighting space but later i got an idea to put cassette deck as decoration. i was lucky even those 2 decks fit in those U section

I bought around 150 old collection cassette in bulk which only cost me around $0.3 each, but anyway i don't even have any cassette player :)


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finally completed this project, changed the woofer to MW180 and keep 24W100 for another project

48L ported for MW180 and 10L ported for MW152, using minidsp 2x4HD for mid - tw and LR 24dB xo for woofer.

it's time for tuning


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finally connected all cables and started playing with XO setup, combination of minidsp 2x4HD & behringer nu3000dsp.
mauro penasa for satori tweeter, J2 clone for MW152 and behringer for MW180

i'm still relying on Harsch xo and overall sounds very good


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