Anyone have made those diy discretes op-amps ?

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I have some Nelson Pass( if I remember correctly) designed op-amps I bought with an active XO (MOX) kit. I had some extras and used them to replace the 5532s in my NAD 1240, the discrete op-amps took that preamp to much higher level than any AD or BB product I tried beforehand.

I think I may have some extra boards/parts left over, I'll look for them if you're interested.
I have some Nelson Pass( if I remember correctly) designed op-amps I bought with an active XO (MOX) kit. I had some extras and used them to replace the 5532s in my NAD 1240, the discrete op-amps took that preamp to much higher level than any AD or BB product I tried beforehand.

I think I may have some extra boards/parts left over, I'll look for them if you're interested.


Nelson Pass do excellent circuits design, but finding fet transistors (like 2SK170 and 2SJ74) here arround was not possible, so I never try them.

Do you have the schematic of your discrete op-amps ?



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Samuel is the guy mantaining an amazing document about current opamps performances (IC and discretes)

The latest versions of the document include a self evaluation of his discrete designs (if you ask me, very fair and objective). Do the reading, compare with the other options/designs and then make an educated decision.
Samuel is the guy mantaining an amazing document about current opamps performances (IC and discretes)

The latest versions of the document include a self evaluation of his discrete designs (if you ask me, very fair and objective). Do the reading, compare with the other options/designs and then make an educated decision.


I have read this very good document, interesting but measurements will not allway tell about sonics qualities.

Btw, the author, Samuel Groner, discuss about his documents and works in this thread;

OpAmp Measurement Series



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