D-Noizator: a magic active noise canceller to retrofit & upgrade any 317-based V.Reg.

I cannot find the 7812 on "my" page 159, but the exact place varies according to the user's settings. You should always use the permalink (top right of the post, #xyz) for reference.
I assume C5 is the compensation cap; in this case, using a larger value should be OK, it will just kill some of the HF performance.
22nF is a very common value, and you should be able to find one around, even if it is means cannibalizing the old TV set of your grandma
Oh, I made it. KA7812 + denoiser. First time I worked with breadboard, not nice but it's worked.

Quick comparing with Smps 3080, the high range is less harsh. 20210527_221117.jpg 20210527_222245.jpg 20210527_221111.jpg
Is this referring to the DeNoiser or DieNoiser or No Noiser ?
Mostly the dienoiser and nonoiser, but it will have a small effect on the denoiser.

I made dienoiser with what I have but not test yet.
Some values of caps are different: 330uf (220uf), 47uf (22uf), 0.1uf (22nf), do not use 22R with 0.1uf.

Is there any issue to test this with reg KA7812 12v 1A? View attachment 956751 View attachment 956752
Ecaps value are relatively unimportant (their tolerance is large anyway).
A larger compensation cap will not cause problems, except a reduced correction at high frequencies, but omitting the series resistor could lead to instabilities.
I did not personally test the 78xx series, and I cannot tell whether it is going to be stable or not, but Trileru made lots of experiments and he could provide an answer.

Sticking with tried and tested configurations is always safer
I don't remember the particularities of the fixed voltage regulators, but I'd use 1-3R in series with the comp cap. 100nF seems a bit high but should work.
I'd personally go to the extra effort of replacing the fixed voltage type with an adjustable LM317 + the extra resistors. You'd still have to mod the 7812 to add 100R between GND pin and GND on the pcb. Might as well put a LM317 + another resistor between OUT and ADJ pins.