DIY-Speakers placed high up – downward angled baffle or driver(s)?

For our kitchen area, I'm planning to construct some compact 2-way speakers (17 cm wide x 25 cm tall) and integrating them nicely with a wardrobe.

The wardrobe ends currently at a height of 2,25 meters, which means both drivers will be considerably above ear level (given this is a kitchen, one would mostly stand upright). Speakers will be about 2 meters apart from another, listening distance will be anywhere from 1-3 meters.

What I am really pondering about (and couldn't find easily information on):
  • is it advisable to construct an angled baffle to have drivers fire downwards?
  • will it be worthwhile to place the tweeter below he woofer?
  • before committing to a design, would you advise me to make some experiments/conduct any measurements first (I suspect so) ?

The build doesn't have the ambition to be audiophile at all (it will be first for practical listening, great sound is plus!), but please do let me know your advice if tilting will be worthwhile to look into.

Keen to hear your thoughts! And thanks upfront
You can take a design cue from the Dali Alteco C1:

I don't think it is going to make any difference whether you tilt them or not. This is a kitchen and you will be moving around doing things while listening to music in the background. It also probably has hard surfaces for walls, floors, counter, and appliances, so there will be plenty of reflections. It might be better to just do whatever looks the best to you and not worry about the small, if any, difference there would be in the sound.
will it be worthwhile to place the tweeter below he woofer?

If we were to consider that the sound centre of the Dali speaker lies at the point where the woofer and tweeter touch, then there should be no advantage in mounting the tweeter below the woofer.

I'd point the sound centre downwards towards the level in the middle of the kitchen which corresponds to my standing ear height.
@giorgi0 What say you after these few thoughts?
First of all a thank you to everyone for responding :))

I'm seeing a consensus forming for acoustic reasons to angle the baffles – while I also appreciate the pragmatic simplicity @classicalfan brought up as a worthwhile consideration.

Will start to make some plans now and report back! (if there's any great plans freely available as a start point with the miters and all, that'd be a plus, but I'll figure it out)
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