Easy way to trigger 12VDC on subwoofer without receiver

Hi all:

I recently came across a Nakamichi Sound Space 12 sub and satellites. I want to test the sub to see if it works. However, it has a 12v DC jack on the rear to get it turn on, and I don't have a receiver or any other component with a 12V trigger jack function.

What's the easiest safe way to trigger that thing to turn on? I've read that you can't go beyond a certain current limit on a trigger circuit, or you could damage the components.

Let's assume I have extremely little understanding of electronics.
I've read that you can't go beyond a certain current limit on a trigger circuit, or you could damage the components.
The trigger circuit only required very current to activate, any 12VDC power supply with a 3.5mm plug will do.
