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GB for UTHAM Boards for Planet10

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Dear All,

EUVL posted a new flexible design for headphone amp here:


He kindly decided to donate the board gerbers to run a GB in favor of Planet10, as already done with the Quasimodo boards.

So, here is the catch:
1 board for two channels for 10 $ minimum payment. higher offers welcome.
Shipment is 3 $ worldwide.

To order please send me a PM including the following information:
1) Your name
2) Your e-mail address
3) your shipping address
4) Your order.

If you want to combine with Quasimodo boards, it's perfectly possible.

I have around 15 boards, if there is high request I'll make a second run.

Please note that I am often in duty travel. So I'd like to make all the shipments before 18/5 for the first batch.

Have fun !!!

Quite surprised by so much interest, considering it is not the easiest of projects.
But thank you for supporting Dave.


The JFETs should still be available from Spencer or other dealers here.
If you have difficulties sourcing the laterals, do let us know.
We might be able to help, but MoQ is 30 per type for TO247.
For TO220 even 50 per type.

I just made a 170 € order from DigiKey for the UTHAiM and Nazar reg parts. I included 32 pieces of both ZVP3306/ZVN3306 in the order. Hopefully I can find Vgs matches for two quads of each... :confused:

I ordered a matched quad of 2SK170/2SJ74 from member liubincalvin who has a Sales thread here on the forum.

About the 2SK1058/SJ162 I haven't decided where to order and how many pieces I should get to have decent matches? Any tips would be more than welcome. There is a group buy thread here in diyAudio though: http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/group-buys/307426-sj162-sk1058-groupsbuy.html
The last time I bought 25 of each of the Zetex mosfets, I got quite a few quads.

For the laterals, it is best to GB and match together.
You will always end up with better match than doing it alone.
Unless you want to buy hundreds.


Also, the amp will work fine without any matching (except for the current mirrors).
It is not a balanced amp, so matching is not as important.
It will however guarantee that the left and right channels are identical.

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