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For Sale Goldmund Telos clown boards

Things you have for sale.


Joined 2004
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Goldmund Telos clown boards fully assembled and tested

I am selling my 2 completely assembled tested boards of Goldmund Telos “clones”. I call them “clowns” because they are not a copy of the EBay copy attempt of the original Goldmund board. I have modified the EBay “copy “ this way:

  1. dual die output lateral mosfet (Alfet) instead of single. This allows only 4 transistors to mount per side which is more easier to implement than 8. All N channels come from the same lot tube. Same for P channels. Added they are double die then internally they cannot be better matched.
  2. Use of matched 2SK170Bl for input stage with current biased at about 70% of IDSS. This provides more “triode » sound this way. Refer to Pass Labs forum.
  3. Use of metal film resistors. Nichicon Muse B.P. caps for feedback.
  4. Use Mundorf caps for PSU. Psu caps and rectifier diodes on amplifier board. Very wide traces for PSU.
  5. pcb comes from EBay Jimsaudio and I must admit the layout and board quality is quite good.
  6. Output bias current adjusted for 500ma (125ma per single transistors).
  7. 100Wrms into 8 ohms (with +/-45VDC supply).
  8. Separate supply wires for front end circuit. I recommend about 7VDC higher than power supply output stage. Can also connect front end and power stage with same supply for simplification.
  9. THD is quite impressive for 1W to 100W. See curves taken this week just before dismantling the amp.
  10. Have been demonstrated with great success during a DIY activities with audiophiles/diyers. It sounds marvellous.
  11. I provide the modified schematics For reference since the boards are already assembled.
  12. Price for 2 tested assembled boards: 250$ USD


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Joined 2004
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Ok I have computed the major parts cost price ( dual die lateral mosfet, matched jfet, Mundor caps) and I arrive to about 350$ USD. I remember that the pcb pair also cost an additional about 37$ USD. This is excluding all the rest of parts (rectifier diodes, caps, resistors, etc…). I can myself re-use the major parts in another project so I do not absolutely need to sell these boards….

But these are fully working tested boards with test report so ready to use with all genuine parts bought from established companies. That is why I feel it would be a waste to dismantle the boards to get the parts since it is a very good sounding amp that someone else could benefit if this person is looking for already built modules (with audiophile sound rather than small cost project for fun…).

That is why I would sell them at only 280$ USD for the pair plus shipping fee - in the spirit of Diy.;)



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revised price for 2 functional board at much lower cost the sum of individual parts cost: 200$ USD plus shipping.
if you find a better deal than that anywhere on earth or even in the universe , please let me know;)

Additionally, I even have the 2 X 500 VA transformers that were used with this amp to sell- if needed. They are heavy though. Let me know if interested and I can make you a price. See picture where they are stacked on top of each other. They are NOT included in the above price.



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Joined 2004
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Hi baggerbole
to respond to your difficult subjective question, the USSA series are class A and Goldmund is class AB. So it is a different flavour and you have to choose your flavour and power need. USSA soundstage is bigger but Goldmund resolution and smoothness are also great.
The FSSA would be closer to the Goldmund clone as they are both class AB and both with excellent Lateral mosfet as output. But the Goldmund has double the ouput stage compared to FSSA So in theory be able to drive even more difficult speakers. Goldmund Telos has very similar topology to Goldmund Mimesis. There are several threads on Goldmund clones in this forum.
let me know if you are still interested.

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Thanks for your reply Fab.
This amps are thought for an active open baffle 2-way system driving mid/bass speakers.
It´s 2 Faital 15PR400 per baffle. They are 8Ohm and connected in parallel, sensivity is 99dB/W/m,
actually driven by 150W classD amps per side.
Tweeters are ESS Heil AMT 100dB/W/m driven by USSA5 ;)
The classD amps are not quite familiar to me, every now and then I hear a quiet hiss that does not belong there. Maybe these are also FIR/IIR filter artifacts of the dsp. I don't know exactly...
ClassA amplifiers in the high power range for the bass I do not necessarily want to use.
Do you think power of clones is enough for dynamic bass? Up to what supply voltage can you operate them?
Whereby it probably depends more on the current than the voltage with 4Ohm load...
The transformers would of course also be interesting, but it probably makes no sense in terms of freight costs.



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Joined 2004
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You are welcome.
I cannot comment on your whole system unfortunately but if you have a rated 150W class D (at what THD?;) ) into 4 ohms then the Goldmund can give you more than that if that is what you want. However since you have high efficiency speakers I am not sure to understand why you need so much power.…
As for dynamic bass (articulated) the Goldmund will satisfy most peoples need I believe. It is tight enough while not being thin provided you have a good Power transformer. And it is also good for the whole frequency range …..It can operate at +/-50VDC without issue. It can further be used in any other setup and even be sold again as a complete amplifier :cool:

as for the transformers, when you buy online you always need to pay shipping.….;)

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