Greetings from Russia

Hello DIY Audio Community!
Mike, 52 y.o, live in Moscow.
I became interested in electronics and sound reproduction during my school years, I love when music plays loud and clear!
I have started with AM radios, then made some mods to cassette desks - the most interesting and successful was a dynamic bias like Dolby HX pro.
Despite the fact that I graduated from university with degree in electronics engineering for a living I work in the field of data networks, telecommunications and IT.
Throug the years I did repairs (amplifiers, SMPSs etc) but have no finished projects, what a shame)
Analog electronics remains my beloved hobby, as my kids have grown up now I have more time for my passion, even received a ham radio license!
For a long time was a quiet reader here, hope I can bring some value to the Comminity - there are many interesting topics.
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