Help! AliExpress Crossover Values on Cerwin Vega E312

Hey, hoping for some observations on these crossovers I picked up for a little Cerwin Vega project I have planned with my brother. I have a set of Cerwin E-312 and the crossovers are really subpar.. So in thinking about stuff for the both of us to do as a project, I thought of redoing these speakers I have in my workshop.

Here is the crossover I picked:

First off, I'd probably do some obvious things like remove the cheap screwed on terminals and solder wire direct. But in reading reviews, these Russian guys were all sounding off on incorrect values used on the LF portion - the 2.7uF specifically and how it should be larger. Having a look, trying to see what they are talking about, if anything at all. I'd also bypass a few caps too, maybe hard-wire the midrange jumper. Interested in some thoughts. Fortunately there was a pic posted of the backside of the PCB. What do you think of extras to do on these?


The problem with "pre-made" crossovers is that they are a generic design, and crossovers are anything but generic, requiring careful adjustment of values for a specific speaker set-up. At least this one appears to incorporate some level adjustment (for the tweeter, presumably) so it has some adjustability. Therefore, any expectation that you can simply replace the original crossover with this one, and expect immediate improvement, probably needs some adjustment. Some fiddling with crossover values is almost certainly in your future.

BTW, check the solder connections, I see at least one potential bridge (lower left-hand corner of the second photo).