How do you name this?


what is the name of this object? It is used to prevent accidental plug disconnection. Without right name it's difficult to find a manufacturer ;)


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And of course its a double-edged sword - if the cord is at risk of being yanked out then the retaining clip serves to turn a power loss event into a cable-loss event!. For handling vibration its definitely a boon.
You mean a “fall on your face in a small confined space” event or a “tipped over amplifier rack“ event. Both could be worse than one of your speakers going out while you plug it back in.
I've had several if these on equipment in the past. IIRC they weren't interchangeable; one needed the right plug/lead for the right clip, as plugs vary in length quite a lot. So you may need to buy as a set.

Although if you don't need the IEC type of plug/socket, there are IMO superior alternatives like powercon connectors from neutric. They also make connectors for speakers, so don't confuse the two.
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You mean a “fall on your face in a small confined space” event or a “tipped over amplifier rack“ event.
I mean that each times the van moves, I don't want to dismantle 3 x 42U cabinets to check plugs !

It will be manufactured devices so simple plugs, plugs with fuses etc... and rarely powercon.

Reading some warnings about compatibility and others problems, I think now of a simple hot melt glue point on the plug and fix tie on the cable.

Thanks to all contributors.