John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier

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Blowtorch preamplifier


For years, I collect all the documentatons, informations, schematics of the best audio designers and products. I possess many of the great brands.

The Blowtorch is the only preamplifier to do the unanimity with the audiophiles of the whole world, even for the tubes fans. Also, I am very interested by this preamplifier.

The Blowtorch preamplifier is the work of CTC Builders (Curl-Thompson-Crump). John Curl creates the electrical designs, Carl Thompson engineers the board designs, and Bob Crump chooses the parts.

Unfortunately, Bob Crump has just died at the end of 2005. With his kindness, I had been able to recover some information.

I believe that this preamplifier was built with less than 40 specimens and is not even available in Europe.

I search just in a strictly personal purpose and not commercial ; all the possible information, specifications, synoptic, diagram, schematics, inside pictures, on the Blowtorch power supply and line stage.

Thank you

Best Regards

"The Blowtorch is the only preamplifier to do the unanimity with the audiophiles of the whole world, even for the tubes fans.
I believe that this preamplifier was built with less than 40 specimens and is not even available in Europe."

40 specimens for unanimity with the audiophiles of the whole world : this is contradictory, and appears as if the rules of democracy (well unanimity, strong claims are now more important than the number of voices) have changed.

~~~~~~ Forr

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Joined 2004
Hello, Darry

I have been in touch with Bob Crump (who sadly passed away... RIP, Bob !) for a while. He emailed me that the CTC Blowtorch would be out on the 40th one, and that schematcs would probably be published in 2006 (NOT a joke ! My Europeans friends almost droped off their chairs... Can ask me for a copy of the Email... Bit if far too many, please to the moderators to allow a publishing of it on the frum..

But returning to the Blowtorch, it is a very special "live" status that we are not accustomed to here, Darry... Yeah... In USA, nobody (ot almost... Selected peolple only !) c


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    ctc blowtorch open.jpg
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