NAD C356Bee shunt regulator blew up, help!


i Upgraded my NAD C352 with a 356Bee some days ago. The Amp worked absolutely fine and the sound improvement was even a bit more than i had expected.

As i opened it up to clean the inside from dust and get a short overview of the board i wanted to check the bias current. To my shame i produced a pretty bad short by not checking my Multimeter and had it stayed on ampere than Volts , when i wanted to know the Voltage running through the left power amp section. As i put the MM between a Resistor i immediately blewed up a shunt regulator sitting there.

The Regulator ia an AZ431BZ-BE


Unfortunetly that regulator isnt existing anymore.

The only ones i could find were


As i understood, the AZ or BZ Versions differ in the entrance Voltage tolerance of 0.4 -0.8%

Also the others go from 2,5 up to 36v instead of the Original BZ-BE 2,5 to 18v

So my question is one of these, the right regulator to exchange the blown up one?

If i just can get the 2,5 to 36v Versions is an exchange enough or do i have to regulate something after because of the larger range?

Thanks for any help!!

