New Mark Audio Pluvia Seven

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Well the new Mark Audio Pluvia Seven Gray/Gold cone 4" Full range drivers are available at Madisonsound here in the good old USA! $45.00 per speaker, so they are middle of the road price wise with the CHR70's and Alpair7's. I read the description promoting them as an improved version of the CHR70's, and that they are not recommended for vented enclosures? This stuck me as an odd characteristic for an improved CHR70, which can be used in a variety of alignments? No published box plans on the Madison site yet, so I guess those are in the mill?? Here;s the Madison link:

Joined 2001
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Mark sent us early Pluvia Seven (CHS-70) so that we could provide feedback on the new basket (which is quite nice). Ours are marked UK version. They work well in Frugel-Horn Mk3 (all we have tried it in). I'd say well worth the extra cash over the CHR-70. I suspect the dimple in the dustcap is a contributing factor to a smoother top end.

I just did a bunch of sims. Sealed (7.6 litre/butterworth) you are going to get 90 Hz F3, 50 Hz F10. I tried it vented (4.7 to 13 litre) and (with my alignment) i get F10 as low as 40 Hz, the smaller boxes near 50 Hz but with an earlier start to the roll-off. Almost as low as the A10.3. Much like the EL70 in terms of alignments.


Note: like all the other current MA the grey/gold is really silver/copper.
I have specs for one from Scott.


Dave, I kinda figured you guys had something in the works for this new driver. Probably a little bit of a tall order to gin up two to three designs when you get the speakers shortly before they are are available to the masses? I for one look forward to maybe a Pencil Design or something along those lines in the future. Good luck and great success in all your endeavors as always.

Mac -like Dave says they work quite nicely in FH3, and no doubt messrs D & L have a couple of ideas, if not full sims in the works

Doesn't need any rebating for flush mounting, but note that mounting holes are in a five hole pattern, so even if it fits the same through hole as CHN70, it wouldn't be a direct drop-in replacement.
Hey Dave,

After spending some time listening to my son's FH3s (previously FF105WK, since Christmas Alpair 7), I've decided to ditch my multi-way aspirations (for now) and try a more-or-less proven FR design. Problem is I can't locate the speakers more than a few inches from the wall due to my living room layout, so the FHs are out. After scouring your site and others, the Derwents drew my attention as having a good balance of performance and form factor (i.e., small). Of course the EL70s are no longer available. I know the Pluvia's TS parameters don't really match the EL70's, but could the Derwent be tweaked to achieve comparable performance with the Pluvia, or is there another MA driver that's a more suitable replacement for the EL70 in the Derwent?
I sent you an email about the EL70eNs. Since they're probably beyond my budget, a Pluvia optimized Derwent would be of great interest to me and probably many others...

The ~9" depth of the Derwents is really appealing to me. At the listening distance, angling the FH3s sufficiently would probably put them too far off-axis. Also, there's actually a stairway opening off to the side behind the right speaker, which also complicates matters.

Anyway, don't want to take the thread too far off the Pluvia topic.. they look like promising drivers at a reasonable price.

Thanks again.
I was initially looking to build a ported CHR-70 arrangement and saw that this driver has just been released. I see the Pluvia is not recommended for ported enclosures though which is what I had been leaning towards. Perhaps someone can recommend which driver and box arrangement I should be looking at for my application.

I would like to build a pair using a single full range driver each speaker. They will be installed on wall mounted shelves approximately 10" square foot print. A form factor that sits on this shelve without overhanging and leaving a half inch or so to route speaker cable would be best. So depth should be approximately 9". I am leaning towards sealed or front ported. Since these will be wall-mounted something slightly thinner in the bass region may be a good idea.

They will be used mainly for radio/podcasts and music for when guests are visiting. Low volume only.
An excellent example of vented enclosure being a BLH such as the FH3. I'm glad we tried them there before reading it was not recommended.

I found they work quite well in the horn- albeit not quite as extended in the bottom, or as resolving as the A7.3, but certainly an improvement to my ears over the CHR70.3

Have we reached the point of embarressment of riches in the category of small full-range driver, as imperfect as some measurements will inevitably prove the class and specific examples to be?

Yes, that's a rhetorical question.
Just keep the net internal volume the same, and you should be fine.

From my experience with a fair number of other FR drivers in this approximate size class, if you could possibly afford the floor space required, a full length MLTL or BLH would deliver deeper and more articulate bass. The FH3 also produces a very nice soundstage.
Thanks for the info. Due to room contraints I'd like to keep with the bookshelf style. I do understand the advantage of the floor mounted styles with the tall enclosure. I built 5 channel set of creativesound speakers (V2 MTM center, V2 MLTL and V1 bookshelf) and the extension on the V2 MLTL is very impressive, especially considering the mid/woofs are only 4" diameter (CSS VWR126X) .
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Joined 2001
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Likely just a change in length. 7.5 litre they say tuned to 57 hz.

The factory tuning has a bit of a bump in it -- ideal if you use a high aspect ratio vent to knock it down (full width, 12mm tall, 147mm long). 1.5" (38mm) plumbing pipe is easy to get, 113 mm long but bass may be a bit fat, maybe boomy (vrs the slot).



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