Old Slogans You Remember

Come fly the friendly skies United Air lines

We really work our tail for you Continental Air Lines

The uncola 7UP

It's not nice to fool Mother Nature Some kind of Margarine...don't remember which

I can't believe I ate the whole thing Alka Seltzer

A little dab will do ya Brylcream

Rich Corinthian Leather ......and turbo power to move you Chrysler cars

We'd like to teach the world to sing Coca Cola
"Be all that you can be." US Army
"The few. The proud. The Marines." US Marine Corps.
"Aim high." US Air Force.
"It's not just a job, it's an adventure." US Navy
"We didn't make it into any of the other branches but we're still pretty good." US Coast Guard...I'm just kidding!