Original transistors Sanken 2SA1295 + 2SC3264 + SK216 + SJ79 wanted for amplifier repair

Hello dear forum users, my English knowledge is not good, so I use google translation. I need your help. I am looking for original transistors for the repair of my amplifier:
Sanken 2SA1295 + 2SC3264 + SK216 + SJ79
There are offers on the Internet, but these no longer seem to be originals, but fakes from China, bad replicas. Does anyone know of a commercial dealer who still has the originals on offer? Or do any of you still have some in your spare parts store?

Thank you very much
These are going to be old parts; they are no longer in production.

As for the legitimacy of parts from bdent, I can only go by my own positive experience (limited) and what others have said. You can search diyaudio for "bdent" and/or "B+D Enterprises" to get an idea of the experiences of others (use the Search box up in the banner).

That said, faked parts are an ever-present problem, with some believing testing what you get to be the only real defense (see the sticky post at the top of these forum). But buying from a legitimate supplier is always the first defense.

If you decide to go with bdent, and you require a specific hfe range and/or parts with a matched range, it would be wise to email them before ordering to make sure what they have is the range you want. I failed to do this when I ordered some Sankens, but fortunately, I received all "Y" grade parts, which is what I wanted.