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SDR widget PCB group buy (USB 24/192 IN-OUT)


I need to my own use an experiment of my DIY project based on LCT2380-24 ADC to build a SDR widget CPU board.

So, the designer of th SDR widget hardware (Yoyodyne consulting) doesn't provide this board anymore.
Anyway, as the project is fully open sourced he provide Gerbers of the design and all stuff needed to build the board without issue.

So, to avoid the big cost of doing a single PCB order, i post here
to know if there is others DIYaudio members that would be interested
to join a group buy to get a bare PCB of the SDR widget.

The goal would be 10 PCB.

For this quantity, the unit price would be 20€ each. This price include one bare PCB,
the worldwide shipment to you and Paypal fees. I will ask payment using Paypal only.
The final price will be lower if we are more (15€ of we are 20).

PCB will be ordered to WEdirekt in Germany, with ENIG(gold) finish and silkscreen.
No parts are included.

The group buy will be closed as soon we reach 20 buyers, or at the end of this month
if there is less buyers.

To recall a little, the SDRwidget is an open source project of USBaudio
interface that is capable to send/receive audio stream from 24bits
48kHz / 96kHz and even 192kHz (playback and record mode).

You can found many information HERE.
I is supported by all OS.
Many information about software and firmware using Google search.

SO i add me here on this first post below in the list of buyer : NEW PRICE 5 € !

Pseudo --- Qty ---- Location
Frex x1 France - Done
Turbon x2 Sweden
mroether x2 Germany --- Payment ok -- Shipping done
BDL x1 Romania --- Payment ok -- Shipping done




A picture of the SDR Widget :
Last edited:
New lower price !

Hi all , and good news !

After some e-mails from others DIYaudio friend members, i finally ordered 20 PCBs at a much lower cost than WE. It's www.elecrow.com and https://easyeda.com
So, if i receive them and if all is ok i could offer some bare PCB for 5€ all include.
So, my list still active but to get one of the 19 PCB i will receive.
I post picture as soon they are in my hands.


(Thank you to mkc and jcga for their messages)
Hello all,

I received an email today to inform me that my PCB order has bee shipped. Cool.
So, i will receive them in 7-15 days.
I will post a picture of the result as soon they will be in my hands.

I recall to others DIYers that some PCB still available and price is 5€ for one
PCB including Paypal fees and the shipping in bubble letter priority type.

Hello Merlin,

Sorry i don't have such time to organize the supply of all parts.

The SDR widget PCB is order is only the uC board.
It's purpose is to providing I2S i/o from USB link.
If you want to record analog signals you need the second board that
include the 2nd PCB where the ADC (AK5394) is.
Please, for full detailed info download and look into the zipped file
i linked on my first post (from yoyodyne web site).
I hope that it's more clear.

PCB arrived !


I received the PCB's today, they looks fine.
Some pictures :


Now, any interested DIYers that want to buy one(or more) PCB, just
send me a PM and then i will send you the e-mail address where
you can send the payment (5€/PCB shipping include).
The payment must be done using "send money to friend" in order to avoid fees.
Don't forget to provide your full delivery address to send the letter.
All PCB will be send in simple low cost priority letter.
They arrive in 4-5 days in EU and about 10-12 days in USA.

Please, keep in mind that the PCB is the original design from Yoyodyne consulting (not mine),
and it's only the micro-controller board (uC).
It provide USB link to I2S audio in/out with 24 bits 192kHz audio support.



(PS ; No problem Merlin :) )

Some PCB has been sent to interested DIYers, but there is many still available.
I recall that the price for one bard PCB is only 5€, including shipping (in EU, USA, Canada..).
When interested, send me a PM with your personal address.

Just a precision from my previous post,
even if the ADC side (AK5394A board) of the original design SDRwidget is not provided,
the uC board have the DAC on it (ES9023), so it can be used as audio output alone with
24bits/192k on OSX, Linux and windows.

Hello Turbon, No problem.

The ADC (AK5394) is on the second board of the SDR widget design.
The main board (CPU) i sale include the asynchronous USB/I2S interface working
in bi-directional mode for ADC and DAC.
So, i use it to send my I2S data coming from my LT2380-24 ADC design.

My SDR-board is now populated and has been programmed successful.
Now, some job to test it in next days.
I will post some tips about it soon.
