Spherical bending wave corner line


Joined 2003
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In a long stream of concept studies of mine, its time to explore a spherical sound emitting source. Inspired by ELS63 as well as my previous lines, I have decided to build a segmented bending wave line source. My hope and intent is that if I segment the line and time delay the segments (plates) it will fold from a cylindrical wave front (as from a tall, slim line source) to a spherical one.


The blue plates represent the synthesized wave front I'm anticipating....

I'm using parts from an old trial with one single long bending wave plate (total fail) and have cut it into 6 parts. I already took out 1 plate from them to be used in my bedroom so I'm lending that one for a sum of 7 plates for a speaker. This will require 4 individual channels (DA / amp) to time control the excursion of the plates.

I will use:

2 pcs of DAC with optical conection
1 RME digiface (USB -> Opto) to hook up the DACs
2 pcs of stereo amps.
A mac mini running CamillaDSP





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Joined 2003
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I have no plan of connecting them together - but very close, say a mm or so. I want them to act separate in time so it's necessary to be separate.

I'm not up-to-date on exciters - these are from quite long time ago purchase and no longer available.



Joined 2003
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System is up running. Initial measurements and adjustments made...

200Hz 4th HP... placed in corner.

Ch0 is the single middle plate. Ch1...Ch2 are the pairs more and more distant from the center - i.e. ch3 is on top+bottom of line source.

alla Delay_noDelay.jpg
All ch run with and without delay - explains the a bit thinner sound of the delayed version...

c0_ch4 indivdually.jpg
Individual measurements after adjustment of gain. Quite equal I'd say...

sbl filt_eq.jpg
EQed. Channels with same EQ applied (5 PEQ) + the summed, delayed.

RTA measurements made with pink noise and circling mic in listening position.

Sound... switching between the delayed and non delayed is different for sure. Delayed version sounds more focused yet a bit more distanced ... a bit softer... easier to listen to... just first impressions. The "thinner" impression is lessened after adjustments. Good impression with delay. Anyways, I'd really would like to listen to a pair :)

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Joined 2003
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It is flattened to its best ability as per above. The bending plates don't play that deep - what you see is its natural ability which reaches down to about 400Hz. The rest need to be provided by other means. Conceptually it don't matter as below 400, everything will emitted will be spherical.



Joined 2003
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Your transmitter design will have problems with HF, namely interference mush.
HF requires a point radiator.
For "your" radiator to be a point radiator, you have to move a very long distance away from it.
If you look at the measurements above, can you point to the problem that you are referring to?

Mr. Walker did quite OK with ESL63 - about the same principle. On axis it behaved well - I don't recall if I did any off axis measurements - need to check - but as these are bending wave transducers, directivity is very wide so I don't think it is a problem. Maybe I pick up on this again as snow goes away :)
