Stated power consumption of a component

G'day Guys,

Commericially built equipment will normally have a stated power consumption.
For example:

If I was to do the same on a DIY power amp I am building.
Do I:
A) state the maximum possible power output of the power transformer, in my case 300w or 420VA (according to the pioneer service manual it was salvaged from)
B) the maximum power that is likely to be drawn from the power transformer. Eg: 100w into 4ohm
C) B + a derating factor for power loss in the transformer say 0.6. Eg: 100w/ 0.6 = 166W
Thank you.

In terms of the likely power draw.

According to my scope I got to 51Vpp just before clipping into a 4R load.
Which equates to 18Vrms.

18V square/4R = 81Wrms

De-rating by 15% would be:
81W/0.85 = 95W

So call it 100W power consumption. Does that seem reasonable?
If I understood the OP correctly, he's asking what should be specified or marked as the maximum consumption from the mains. What follows is an explanation of the principles involved:

If the amp is Class AB, it will consume 150 to 200% of the maximum output from the power supply. That's 150-200W for a 100W amp. The power supply itself will have losses, the biggest loss being in the transformer. This will be something like 10-15% for a medium sized unit, up to 25% for a small transformer like 9V 500mA.

So a 100W amp is likely to consume 170-230W from the mains when it's actually putting out 100W to the speaker(s).

Then there's the reduced power factor caused by the complex capacitive load faced by the power supply. The current drawn from the mains will be more than that indicated by the basic Power/Voltage formula. So, worst case, the amp will draw something like 0.9 to 1.5A from a 230V mains at full power.

That's 207 to 276 VA (not Watts) in NZ. The power company will bill you for 170-230W but the current (in amperes) is also important because it determines the minimum wire size that can safely carry the current. This is why a responsible manufacturer will also state the current, not just the power consumption in Watts.
Fantastic information. Thanks guys.

From all of that, it does seem like I am best to base it off the measured mains power consumption in future.
Setup dummy load, push power to just before clipping and see what the current being passed is on a clamp meter on the mains cable.

I may just do this experiment after I get my amps reassembled.
I have already gone ahead and stated my amps are 100W. It will be very interesting to see what is measured.
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