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Swapping matched for unmatched Toshiba 2SK170 / 2SJ74 Jfets

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Joined 2009
Paid Member
I guess many of us have acquired limited numbers of Toshiba 2SK170 and 2SJ74 Jfets over the years, and that many of us still have most of these lying in the drawer because they have not been measured/matched or because their values does not fit the specific build in progress…

As a pilot experiment I would like to see if it is possible to get these devices out of the drawers, where they do no good, and into our audio projects to the benefit of everybody.

I really don’t know if there is any interest for something like this, so now I will try to find out....

Here is the deal: I will swap the matched Jfets I have up for sale (see links in my signature) for unmatched devices of the same type with a swap ratio of 1:3 (matched:unmatched) for 2SJ74-BL and 1:6 for 2SK170-BL.

They way it would work would be that you send me a PM telling me the matched devices you are interested in and with what you wish to swap (source, date codes and other info that will allow us to waist time with fakes…).
If we arrive at an agreement, you will send me the unmatched devices, I will rapidly check that they are indeed authentic and then send you the desired matched sets.
At least to start with, I will cover return postage (International Priority Mail) to keep the swapping PayPal free business :)


Why not just have people measure the one they have

Different measurement conditions and measurement setup cost.

As a pilot experiment I would like to see if it is possible to get these devices out of the drawers, where they do no good, and into our audio projects to the benefit of everybody.

Hi, Nicolai, great idea!

The more participants - the more precise matching can be, of course, based on your initial quantity.
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Joined 2009
Paid Member
The advantage of the way I have proposed it that it can be run also with few participants as the matched devices are in stock (ready to post) and the swapped devices will only be made available (after matching) in a second wave. Depending on interest the matched devices I already have may not be enough, but I'm working on that.

A true group effort (first pool, then measure and match, then distribute to contributors) is also an option, but from experience I see several obstacles that makes me think that it will not work.
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