The curious case of the edited thread..

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I was looking though the "What is the ideal directivity pattern for stereo speakers?" thread, and was surprised by what I didn't see. :eek:

I'm pretty sure I had several posts before page 20 that just seem to have gone missing in that thread. I know this not only because I remember more than one of the posts, but also because a question from another forum member ra7 (currently post #229):

-asks me a question seemingly out of the "blue". :rolleyes:

I'm also pretty sure at least one of Elias's posts were also removed. Further, I'm reasonably certain that none of these missing posts were either against forum policy or even what any would reasonably consider the slightest bit "inflammatory".

As to these posts particularly missing.. eh, (.. :bawling: :D ).

But it has got me thinking.. just how many other posts of mine have been, err.. shall we say: "edited on a grand scale"? :eek:
When the mods delete a post they usually tell the member. I suppose they might not bother if he is a repeat offender, but then a more serious sanction will probably be applied.

Assuming that you are right in saying that these missing posts were quite harmless, then server confusion is more likely. I have sometimes found that posts magically appear some minutes (hours?) after they should have, as though they were stuck in a long queue. I have answered a question, then found that when my answer appears so do other answers which were posted much earlier yet I did not seen them.


Joined 2008
But it has got me thinking.. just how many other posts of mine have been, err.. shall we say: "edited on a grand scale"? :eek:

We, moderators, strongly believe in NEVER editing someone's post, on a small or grand scale, unless asked by the original author. If it's ever happened it was no more than "operator error:" the "Quote" button is right next to the "Edit" button...

This being said, I have no idea what happened in the thread you mentioned.
Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Hi Scott, you may also find the usercp menu useful, click on it and choose user profile to get to your profile. Click on the statistics tab , then choose all posts by scottg

the second attachment is what I see on the second page of results. I find this useful for finding posts I've made in the not too distant past, if I'm not sure where they are.



  • user_profile1.png
    15.3 KB · Views: 122
  • scott_posts.png
    66.2 KB · Views: 116


Thank's Tony!

Hmm, I'm not sure how it got "lumped" into "Unconventional Techniques for Achieving Outstanding Stereo Imaging"? :confused:

It's *was* one of the very few posts (IMO) that made a decent "stab" at actually (attempting to) answer:

"What is the ideal directivity pattern for stereo speakers?"
Just another Moderator
Joined 2003
Paid Member
no mystery, I think it was me who moved that one, and well a fair bit of it went over my head, but it certainly looked unconventional to my novice eyes ;)

There were quite a few people making noise about the unconventional techniques being off topic, so pretty much everything "unconventional" got moved to the new thread :)

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