• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Tube PreAmp and What kind of Amp, objective is to achieve Mellow, warm sound.

Alright, with family responsibilities i get very little to spend on myself.

I'm looking to experience a warm, mellow sound and unfortunately cant afford to spend over $1500 in total for the entire setup.

A friend has just bought a headphone/preamp (xDuoo TA-26) and speaks very highly of it being mellow in headphone. Link - https://xduoo.net/product/ta-26/

I don't like headphones. I want to be able to use speakers.

my question(s) - if I use this preamp (xDuoo TA-26) and connect it to what kind of amp to experience mellow sound? I'm planning to use some full range drivers from Dayton Audio or SB Acoustics with required xovers. P.S: I've some cheap Class AB Receivers and Class D SMSL and Aiyima amps at home.

According to you, what would be the ideal setup of system if you're willing to experience warm mellow sound under $1500
Too many moving parts in your system right now. So I suggest focus on amp or speakers. Let’s say you focus on amp first and limit ourselves to casual listening, no disco stuff here. This means you can get away with tube amp power limitations with small speakers. Forget full range driver, they’re not mellow in my view. Start with a commercial pair of two-way bookshelf speakers, ideally used for lower cost. Then get a push pull tube amp to go with, even that could be something off eBay (China). This will get you going without what could otherwise be a lot of frustration. And tube amps are high voltage, not for DIY without care, but you could later mod it to sound to your taste. Maybe the speaker cross-over will benefit from tweaking to dial down the treble etc. You will learn from it too.

Decent entry level tube amp, but lowish power, will be EL84 based and that will be best price-wise to give you a good speaker budget. Next level up in power will be EL34 or KT88. Speakers are best if fairly sensitive, e.g. Klipsch RP-500M. Or consider some classics like JBL4312 (I have not heard either of these speakers but there’s plenty of advice if your search).
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Joined 2018
This interest of desiring a "warm sound" to me is widespread talk that's gained attention over the years.
In actuality, it's not just something related to, or from a tube amp.
Warm sound, as far as I can determine, is attributed to a pleasent, non-fatiguing type of sound that one can enjoy for long sessions.
Speakers are also a part of the mix, not just an amp's performance.
They work together to supply the listener with their synergistic effect, or they don't.
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Personally, I see no reason why you couldnt "chase" that xDuoo device's sound with something essentially transparent (adding little of any color of its own) - like that Class D stuff you already have. You may have to load the xDuoo with the headphone load resistance at its output to get its sound right; the manufacturer should be able to tell you how, as they claim it can drive amplifiers directly.

I'd also sink most of your budget into speakers; after all, they're where the audio signal hits the pavement. If you're into FR, you could get these (no affiliation) https://www.ebay.com/itm/295167140379 and have a lot left for a sub to cover the lower two octaves of infrasonics (<80Hz). Bumped into these https://www.ebay.com/itm/115541285746 while looking at the MAs; not too shabby if you can get them.

Or toss the idea of the xDuoo and just get this (no affiliation...) https://www.ebay.com/itm/204103513386 I mean, that's going to do warm by just looking at it, leave you a little something for speakers and it's actually made in Canada! Wow! - a non-Chinese audio device!

While I'm at it, I'd bet this would do warm too - https://www.ebay.com/itm/155167956557
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opinions are like ******** - everyone has one. Here's mine.

Warm and mellow generally means lots of preferable harmonics and flabby speaker control - the exact opposite of hifi. If you are thinking 1950's tube radio you are nearly there.

Simplest, cheapest way to get to it is using a small single-ended amp with a slightly too small output transformer and no feedback. Attach this to any speaker - the bigger the mismatch between the speaker's compliance and the amp's ability to make it behave, the better.

Job done. Turn it up to 8 and enjoy all the uncontrolled speaker motion and harmonics that makes people think of soft red wine and dim lighting.

Just to be clear - this is not meant to be derogatory. People like the sound they like and its not my position to judge how or why you like it. Some music needs atmospheric adjustment to make it evocative and I for one endorse that!
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Warm sound to me == single ended low power tube amp like this: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/32913544685.html
You can also get that "warm" sound by generating 2nd harmonics.
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The resulting sound and accuracy from any given system is dependent on multiple factors..... always.
Harmonics are also a variable, there are those in the actual performance, and then there's the ones that are system-dependent.
You'll never approach perfect "concert hall" accuracy in a domestic environment, much as you try.
Close..... but no cigar.
The good old-fashioned way using only treatments and acoustics? Probably not.
I'm not so sure with modern DSP though. These days, you just set up the amp and speakers, hit a button and it makes it "sound good" for you. Just leave your brain parked in the garage? No thanks.
You could try b1k nutube i your current system. It works wonders for such a small and interesting device. Now, as with everything, it comes down to subjecrive preferences, but warmth you describe is often connected with even harmonics, especially 2nd harmonic that b1k nutube is known/built for.

But as was said in the topic so far, it is a safe bet to make a tube amp (SE) and get a pair of speakers known for mellow sound reproduction.
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Second harmonic, second harschmonic... I bought a SE tube amp thinkin" "Oh Boy! Second Harmonic Only!" and when measured, the third is right up there with it in amplitude.

Go Push-Pull and that supposedly eliminates the second - at least coming from just the output stage - so you're stuck with the third as dominant. In reality, the second will still be there from the upstream of the output stage tube signal amplification...it just changes the relative ratio some.

Throwing an idea out there, I'd say "warm" refers to a specific sequence of relative values for a given amplifiers harmonic profile, when fed a pure tone. This would be something like the 2nd harmonic is 20db down from the fundamental's level; the 3rd is -40db, 4th is -60db, 5th is -80db and so on into inaudibility.

I'm too ignorant to know of any amplifier designs that do a regular, predictable harmonic level decay like that. For all I know, the ebay SE amp I suggested above makes the third just as loud as the second... Maybe OP's suggested xDuoo actually does it, through their tube choice and circuitry "making voice sweet and exquisite / sound soft and charming" which translates to "provides a constant harmonic profile for all pure tones".