Wave Speakers - How do they work?

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They seem to me to behave like resonators as used in acoustic string instruments.

Yes, that is the working principle, bending waves propagating on
a board / foil or curved 3D structure.

"Utilize what you cannot avoid" (i tried to translate) is one of the
marketing slogans from the manufacturer "German Physics" for
their Walsh based 'DDD' bending wave transducer.

That slogan meets the idea quite well IMO.
Would be nice to see, how spectral decay looks like.

At least the appplication of conventional tweeters in
some of his models points towards him beeing not
fully satisfied with the upper end of some of his
wood panels. Maybe some of them are intentionally
designed as midrange panels.

Some of his models show very solid frames for
supporting panels and motor, thereby involving
expensive metalwork.
Hard to believe a skilled person undertaking such
an effort for optimizing a deficient transducer ...

They invoke the impression of being built for
classical music by their classical handcrafted look,
the materials chosen and the finish.

I personally would rather like to listen to them,
with all kinds of music of music of course, than
judging by its looks.

Although i could very well imagine some audiophile
writing "most beautiful strings i ever heard", when
i see the picture only.

Would be nice to have some excerpts of the text

One comment found here, though not very informative:

You probably missed a zero when you typed the price. The cost, per pair, is JPY 2,940,000, which at the moment is roughly $30,000. But, believe it or not, they’re worth it. If I had the money, I would own a pair. They work like nothing else out there, and they sound like nothing else. Worth a trip to Tokyo if you have the money and interest in very high-end audio.

Teragaki did not do just one record player for Audio Technica, he’s done over ten different players with the support of such companies as Audio Technica, Seiko Epson, Ricoh, Luxman and Pioneer. His finished record player is as revolutionary as his speakers; the only analogue player in the world with no mechanical tolerances – except in the cartridge, of course. You can hit the record – hard- during play with no audible result! Amazing engineer, and he’s done all his audio work since he retired. He’s now 84, and still going strong!
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Trying babelfish on his website:
The temple fence military affairs lecture, are usually recognized “sound it is wave motion”, that “the sound wave of light and shade of the air (longitudinal wave) (the roughness and fineness wave of the air)” it develops the speaker which pays attention to the sound wave other than. The method that sound being transmitted through the hypothesis that “, sound is transmitted through the molecular vibration of the air,”, is named “wave motion” “de Broglie wave”. “Wave motion (the de Broglie wave)” development of the temple fence speaker which it occurs efficiently is continued from 1980. The temple fence speaker in order the speaker which used the former cone paper to express the sound field which is different completely, is appraised as the speaker which expands the pleasure of audio largely. It was the rule of thumb mark, the research which catches “wave motion” scientifically by Professor Buto of the celebration 應 justice private school university it is advanced. “The temple fence speaker is different from the usual speaker, strange sound is put out”, that when Professor Buto who bodily sensation is done the result of research, the sound wave which has come out from the temple fence speaker, the existing sound wave (not only longitudinal wave), “the sound wave of the surface wave” has come out, it observed.
babelfish again:
Desire it receives the audition of our company product, is grateful truly. Just whichever with interest receiving also to convey doing even when, there being a reputation around in word, because sound after all until really you hear, lowers every kind of judgment the potato the shank. Until now, it just has counted 6000 or more, the audition we have received the temple fence speaker. Various ones doing to meet distantly, it is very much pleasant to speak, we have become also encouragement of my everyday life. In the future as much as possible, I stand together in the audition of the product, it is fortunate. We enjoy that we can meet to everyone.
Google Nachricht
Conventional speakers, there is a completely different method, and playing musical instruments and music is the same principle. その意味では、私は新しい方式を発明したわけではなく、先人が既に実現していた英知を改めて拝借しただけなのです。 In that sense, but I do not invent a new method is only borrowed once again the wisdom our ancestors have already been achieved.

音の特徴としては、原理が同じである楽器と同様の特徴があります。 The sound features are characterized by similar principles are the same instrument. まず、音の指向性がほとんどなく、 360度どの位置から聞いてもほぼ同質の音が聞こえます。 First, almost no directivity of the sound, hear the same quality we've heard from almost any position 360 degrees. 2点目は、従来のスピーカーよりも音圧が少ない(体感する音の大きさの割には音圧が少ない)点です。 Second, the less sound pressure than conventional speakers (for one's perceptions of loudness is less sound pressure) point. 音圧の少ない音は長時間聞いても疲れ難いメリットがあります。 Low-noise sound pressure is hard to feel any better to hear the benefits a long time. この2点は我が家の試作機をお聞きいただいた方には明確に実感いただけたかと思います。 Those two points is a prototype of the home you hear or think clearly felt Itadaketa."


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When i think about the designs of Mr. Teragaki i assume, most
of his panels might operate in whole body motion at least up
to midbass range maybe even further up.

Above that they seemed to be optimized for modal breakup as
smooth as possible. The "Terra SP 3000" style panel should be
suffciently rigid for pistonic motion in the bass range, especially
when driven at multiple points or ring shaped areas, which i cannot
see from the picture.

The "Terra SP 1000" seems to rely on this kind of transducer solely.
Maybe as a purist he wants his panel to cover the whole audio range,
without crossing to a subwoofer, although i cannot see the system
working any different in the bass range than a conventional driver.

Just my guess.
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While the stiffness members support whole body motion in the bass,
they may contribute to anisotropy of the panel (different propagation
velocity of bending waves due to travelling direction) and thereby to
diffusivity and modal overlap.

The details will be hidden in the materials glues and treatment ...

He uses a combination of rigidity introduced by overall panel shape (curved)
and and by additional stiffness members.
He uses a combination of anisotropy provided on the macroscopic scale
- by same stiffeners (maybe with damping component)-
and the microscopic scale contributed by the material used, which are
shrinked differently on the zones of the panel.

Just my guesses ... but be sure, that guy has done his homework.

As i can see you have proposed a large "Rubanoid" for your satellites.

The "Lineaum" tweeter and its descendants are bending wave transducer too.

A later concept is the "Airfoil" which is based on the same principle of
driving a curved foil at a line or edge, thereby exciting bending waves
propagating along the foil, which causes radiation of sound.

Like in every bending wave transducer the art is to damp the bending waves
to the right amount to reduce reflexions from the suspension, which would cause
uncontroled resonances.

6moons.com - industry features: AERO - Linaeum reborn?

Airfoil Loud Speakers

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