what is the best sounding mixer and power amp and speakers for a blues band

Joined 2003
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A lot depends on the budget. I don't think you need a very sophisticated mixer for a blues band. The guy behind the mixer is more important.
The amp is of more importance and last but not least are the speakers. Don't compromise too much on these, for they will mostly define the sound.


Is this for a one-time use, or will you be using it regularly?

For the former, it's almost certainly better to rent in: you'll get someone who knows what they're doing, operating equipment that's likely out of your budget, and the results will be very good.

If you'll be using it regularly, it's time to hit the books and learn about what's required for good sound.

FWIW, if I was starting from scratch, I'd buy active speakers. Those have the power amps built-in, plus the manufacturer's DSP, which means they'll sound good and be very difficult to abuse to a point of damage.

If you really want to stick with passive speakers, the Powersoft T-series amplifiers get my vote. I use those to drive my custom-built cabinets, and that setup works well for me.
For the mixing desk, most engineers expect digital these days, and with good reason. Most engineers have a preference for make/model.

For the speakers themselves, we'll need more information. I've seen systems with 6x 21" horn subwoofers used for an audience of 100. That was loud, and there was a LOT of bass. I've also used a pair of 6" speakers for spoken-word announcements for around 100 people. Both systems did the job they were intended for, but obviously they represent the extreme edges of what you might need to deploy in your situation.

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