Linn "LINTO" MC Preamp Schematic without SMPS - Schematic for SMPS wanted

I need the schematic diagram from the switch mode power supply. Who can help?

Here the PDF schematic of the preamp itself (please note: first generation Linto, not currently version !!! ) I have created this schematic for the introduce of an interface (to connect an external parallel regulated power supply) some years ago.


  • C_tmp_Linn Linto_ckt.pdf
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  • Linto PCB.pdf
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Thank you very, I own one Linto & due to a storm the smps has gone, I asked Linn to supply me a new smps & the answer was buy a new unit.:)
Yes, because Linn isn't the manufacturer of this SMPS. Also not of the SMPS "Brilliant" inside in "Karik" compact disc player and "Kairn" preamplifier. The manufacturer of the "Brilliant" was "HDS-Power" (HDSP ltd.).
Unfortunately I haven't find out the manufacturer of the SMPS for the Linto.

At best you buy a second failured device of your SMPS (e. g. by ebay). Then you can send me both for a cost estimate and repair. Please ask additional Linn in Spain, how expensive is a replacement SMPS for Linto.
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"Thank you very, I own one Linto & due to a storm the smps has gone, I asked Linn to supply me a new smps & the answer was buy a new unit. "
Thats terrible. Lighting happens.
Looks like that's another brand to avoid because of a crappy attitude to after salses service.

What other brand? As far as I know, that all SMPS devices made for for Linn of very high engineering quality (from the "Brilliant from HDSL I know this exactly, because I have created a circuit diagram).
I also noted from Linn always that repair service are well run, because inside only very few "custom made" devices (of course only when there are the circuit diagrams). For the first Linn amplifier device e. g., - the LK-1 most components are still to find, even the Hitachi MCU from the processor PCB.

Now we note, that there are already two faulty SMPS devices for the Linto (yours and that one from merlin el mago). After additional find of a second failured pair we have 4 pieces and then I could start to create the schematic (reverse engineering). Unfortunately I haven't such failured power supply, but maybe someone is willing to send me such defective SMPS.
After completion of the schematic maybe we have found further 10 units ore more, and I could start troubleshooting.

In the attachement the schematic of "Brilliant" SMPS from HDS-Power. I have created it some years ago to carry out the repair service by 12 pieces failured devices. Except the transformer and the very special enclosure (see the embedded version inside of "Kairn" from the attachements) no custom made devices there are in use.

The first picture shows the embedded SMPS, from which is the created schematic.

The second picture shows an other (older?) "Brilliant"- version from Linn. This schematic I don't have !!

By the way - an interesting solution for the voltage select 115VAC/230VAC from SGS-Thomson (ST) also inside; more information (circuit description) easy to find about the appropriate application notes (see datasheets from "ST and "TI").


  • Linn Brilliant kairn1.jpg
    Linn Brilliant kairn1.jpg
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  • Linn Brilliant Alt.pdf
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  • C_tmp_Linn Kairn SMPS_ckt.pdf
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Thank you for the Brilliant U25W schematic. My Linn Wakonda uses the same PS (as far as I can tell) and died several years ago. Symptoms include a dim power indicator light which slowly dies altogether within 2 or 3 seconds after switching the unit "on". The indicator panel never is illuminated.

On page 3 of your schematic (drawing 21.12.2001), the main faults are listed as R15-R14-R9 of the AVS and R13-R12 of the 9V4 start voltage circuit. Is this where you would start with troubleshooting my problem?

Thank you!
Thank you for the Brilliant U25W schematic. My Linn Wakonda uses the same PS (as far as I can tell) and died several years ago. Symptoms include a dim power indicator light which slowly dies altogether within 2 or 3 seconds after switching the unit "on". The indicator panel never is illuminated.

On page 3 of your schematic (drawing 21.12.2001), the main faults are listed as R15-R14-R9 of the AVS and R13-R12 of the 9V4 start voltage circuit. Is this where you would start with troubleshooting my problem?

Thank you!

No, because this behavior can indicate a protect mode through too much current flow of your Wakonda.
First you need a second Wakonda device - also with SMPS - with proper function. Then you must disconnect the SMPS in both devices and connect both to each other Wakonda device - you can also test this also with "Karik" and "Kairn", if there is the same SMPS inside.
Only now you can observe, whether amplifier or SMPS is faulty.
If the mentioned error is clearly comes from the SMPS, then you can check R15-R14-R9 of the AVS and R13-R12 of the 9V4 start voltage circuit as first steps of troubleshooting.

Calvin: FMMTA06 = 1G - go to
2G could be a read error or misprint from me - but you are right - it cannot be a PNP.
The types not critical in generall - the only importamnt thing is the appropriate choice according the idle currents.
By the way - the RIAA head amp from LK-1 is only in unimportant details different but basicly the same circuit !!! If you want to clone, use the leaded transistor types from LK-1 (from DIODES formerly ZETEX).
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Found this on the net.

I was used to hearing the usual sort of white noise increment as the cost of listening to my beloved vinyl. But with the Linto… nothing. Brian explained that this was the result of Linn’s excellence of design and componentry, coupled with their Linn Brilliant SMPS power supply technology.
So far I never understood why a low power line amp (or phono amp) would benefit from a SMPS.

It's just a noise bomb (though usually out of the audible range) that needs a lot of filtering (inductors, caps) with no real benefit for low power applications.

Why don't you guys rip it out and replace it with something more fancy, maybe shunt regs?

Of course I understand, one wants to keep the unit in original state and there's always little space left, but it's certainly an alternative to leaving it unused in storage forever.
So far I never understood why a low power line amp (or phono amp) would benefit from a SMPS.

It's just a noise bomb (though usually out of the audible range) that needs a lot of filtering (inductors, caps) with no real benefit for low power applications.

Why don't you guys rip it out and replace it with something more fancy, maybe shunt regs?

Of course I understand, one wants to keep the unit in original state and there's always little space left, but it's certainly an alternative to leaving it unused in storage forever.

I would like to do it therefore I am looking for a schematic/
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Looking at the pc board and components the linn power supply isn't anything special - Just a switchmode power supply fitered a little better in the audio band. The Jung super regulator and several shunt regulators on this site will outperform the Linn SMPS and actually sound beter. Get over the Linn propaganda and use one the suggested supplies.
Looking at the pc board and components the linn power supply isn't anything special - Just a switchmode power supply fitered a little better in the audio band. The Jung super regulator and several shunt regulators on this site will outperform the Linn SMPS and actually sound beter. Get over the Linn propaganda and use one the suggested supplies.

Thanks !
I am not a fan of LINN's execution. I have replaced already all the shitty cheap components in LK 100 /3 pcs/ incl. power transistors, diodes etc.and I like to do the same with the KAIRN and just for that I need the schematic - to find out what exactly to supply from the new PS which I want to build. Will be thankful if you give me some link to these you regulators you have mentioned above. Take into account I am a novice and will take some time to understand please do not blame me.